Interessant, dass der Humanismus, der noch grandioser gescheitert ist als das Christentum, immer noch als Maßstab gilt, von dem aus gedacht wird. Ich kann das kaum noch nachvollziehen. #Anthropozän #Gaia #Rhizom #Kritter
#kritter #rhizom #gaia #anthropozan
#Haraway #Kritter I was wrong, some pages later things cleared up. Technology is an enabler of new kritters as often in #STS. So still cybernetics somehow but at the same time tech is ambivalent as philosophies of the posthuman are rejected now (not of posthumanism as I read it). As kritters have to be ‚compostable‘ (= living matter) to be such the question about biotech pops up. And still iffy what the growth of non biotech media ecologies mean for being kritters. Curious how the stories go on…