I've done the #cat but not the #introduction
So... I #whakapapa to Ngaāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua and Te Rarawa and Scots who migrated to the deep South in the 1800s. I live in the #Whanganui-a-tara with my #forestry #scientist fella, one of 2 sons, a #cat & 5 #hens. I love growing #food in my big windy #māra. I'm an Assoc Prof in public health & nutrition at Massey Uni #Māori #health #equity is central to my research.
I'm opinionated and unashamedly lefty, in both senses
#cat #introduction #whakapapa #Whanganui #forestry #scientist #hens #food #māra #māori #health #equity