Today is our #50thAnniversary. Had plans to take my bride out for dinner but that didn’t work out. Yesterday I was admitted to #MDAnderson for a blood infection. Although disappointed I realize that the most important thing is that the most important person in my life is here with me. #tomorrowisnotpromised so plan for tomorrow but live for today. And tell the people who you love that you #love them. It’s a beautiful day and #greattobealive.
#50thanniversary #mdanderson #tomorrowisnotpromised #love #greattobealive
Spent Monday at #MDAnderson. My sister is undergoing treatment for #sarcoma. Glad I could be there for what little comfort it provides.
Last time I stayed at this hotel was the night before my Whipple surgery. Weird flashbacks happening. I walked across the street at the cold crack of dawn not knowing what surgery I was having bc it all depended on pathology done while I was under. #rotaryhouse #mdanderson
Bloodwork looks good, expecting no surprises tomorrow. Slept for 4 hours after the CT. To say this is stressful is an understatement. #mdanderson #pancreaticcancer
Ct scan tomorrow. Nervous. The two day appointment marathon commences. #pancreaticcancer #mdanderson #scananxiety
#scananxiety #mdanderson #pancreaticcancer