Aaron · @hosford42
347 followers · 1953 posts · Server techhub.social

The world is not at risk because a superintelligent is going to take over the world and destroy us all.

The world is at risk because have created systems that can pretend to be AGI, and they will use them to exploit people, concentrate wealth and power in their own hands, and spread disinformation.

As long as you are distracted by the Hollywood sci-fi narrative, you will overlook the real, immediate dangers. Megacorporations have already hijacked our government, wrecked our sense of community, stolen our power over our own lives, filled our communication channels with propaganda, manipulated our world views, and so much more. And now they have a new tool to add to their arsenal.

The real problem is the use of megacorporations to further the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the privileged few. There is a word for it:

#agi #megaCorporations #oligarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Toguro
19 followers · 161 posts · Server pawoo.net

When describing the ongoing on by the likes of , , , and which 'backronym' (back acronym) might you prefer?

• Mafia in the Middle
• Megacorporation in the Middle
• Monopolist in the Middle
• Monopoly in the Middle
• (something else…?)

Please justify any given answer.

#MITMAttack #TheInternet #amazon #cloudflare #microsoft #akamai #takingTheInternetPrivate #reverseproxy #internetCancer #mitm #mafia #extortion #megaCorporations #dotcons #monopoly #monopolists #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago

A guide to

0) Have mate who'll give you billions at (-)100% interest.
1) Give those billions to in exchange for a voice in their boardroom.
2) Look fabulous while telling them to do stuff that they'll have to do anyway but now they have your money.
3) Support .

- - -

A guide to .

0) Destroy their ,
1) Boycott, Divest, Sanction (),
2) Be the change,
3) Support (, , , )

#ActivistInvesting #banker #exxon #megaCorporations #ActualActivist #moneyPrinter #smallbusiness #organic #local #bds #SOLE #ethical

Last updated 3 years ago

Totalitarianism is an infectious disease.

Govts and small businesses just want to do the right thing, but when that right thing is dictated to them by , and a complex feeding at the trough of free money, you are bound to get into trouble.

Some have called it .

See (2013) at

#corporateState #megaCorporations #bankers #MICIMATT #invertedTotalitarianism #obey #FilmsForActionDotOrg

Last updated 4 years ago