Totalitäre Schließung: Informationskontrolle und Zensur werden häufiger #MenschengemachterKlimawandel #totalitäreSchließung #Klimawandel-Leugner #Milankovitch-Zyklen #Zwischeneiszeit #Totalitarismus #Desinformation #Klimawandel #RentSeeking #IanPlimer #Hysterie #Zensur
#zensur #hysterie #ianplimer #rentseeking #desinformation #totalitarismus #zwischeneiszeit #milankovitch #klimawandel #totalitareschließung #menschengemachterklimawandel
Scientific sources explain how Milankovitch cycles affect Earth’s climate over long time scales, but they cannot account for the unprecedented rise in global temperatures in the past century. Ignoring human activity could have dire consequences for our planet and future generations.#climate #factcheck #Milankovitch
#climate #factcheck #milankovitch
For the #LastInterglacial period — we EXPECT there to be greater northern hemisphere summertime #temperatures because of changes to the earths orbit making Incoming SOLar radIATION, insolation, different.
Here’s a #nasa explanation for that
I prefer this cool vintage interactive #milankovitch calculator:
#milankovitch #nasa #temperatures #lastinterglacial
I've got to wonder what people who study #Milankovitch cycles think of this ...
Milutin Milankovitch
Milutin Milankovitch (Milankovic) was a Serbian scientist, born in 1879 in the village of Dalj, in present-day Croatia. It was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At 17 he took up Civil Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, going on t
#astronomy #climate #milankovitch #science #seasons #weather
#astronomy #climate #milankovitch #science #seasons #weather
I love the answers by scientists in this @arstechnica piece about #ClimateCycles (ht @andrewdessler ), but it's also a really great introduction to the effects of #Volcanoes #ENSO, #GlacialCycles #milankovitch etc on the climate system...
#milankovitch #glacialcycles #enso #volcanoes #climatecycles
Nuevo estudio valida un aspecto importante de la teoría de #Milankovitch de las eras glaciares: la importancia de la intensidad de la insolación en el máximo veraniego para el calentamiento en lugar de la insolación integrada estacionalmente o la duración del verano.
💾 @clima
Good couple of #blogposts by @kenrice on a recent paper by #JamesHansen et al I'd missed about #ClimateSensitivity.
I tend to agree about the #IceSheet point, it's hard to extrapolate #ECS from #palaeoclimate on #milankovitch timescales because the whole world was *very* different place
#milankovitch #palaeoclimate #ecs #icesheet #climatesensitivity #jameshansen #blogposts
Wonderful. Had me test my understanding of #Holocene beginnings:
Mr. #Milankovitch awarded more sunlight to the Northern Hemisphere. That melted snow and runoff and #weathering process from glacier retreats first drew down CO2.
Then more🌞 on NH: Permafrost melted and CH4 grew fast.
But precipitation changes (also in tropics) let wetlands fall dry which then emit lotsa CO2. (Today, dry wetlands emit 2Gt/a!)
And: landmass uplift lets volcanos in Italy or Iceland erupt = ++CO2.
#holocene #milankovitch #Weathering
Vroeger, toen Halloween nog Allerheiligen heette, trok je rond deze tijd de winterjas aan. Vandaag rondlopend op de markt zie ik de een na de andere trui uitgaan.
Hoe moet je iemand onder deze omstandigheden uitleggen dat we volgens #milankovitch ( op een nieuwe ijstijd afstevenen?
Continental Drift
#continentaldrift #milankovitch #science #Wegener
#continentaldrift #milankovitch #science #wegener