August 28, 1749, birthday of German poet, author & mining engineer Johann Wolfgang von #Goethe.
He studied rocks, collected fossils & minerals - Goethite is named after him 💎 - and based on "his color theory" contributed to the colors still used today on geological maps ⛰️ #MineralMonday
Australasian tektites have been found all over the Indian Ocean, Australia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia & even Antarctica. But the source crater has eluded scientists so far. Now a new study has found a possible impact site ☄️ #MineralMonday
August 7, 1786, Michel-Gabriel Paccard & Jacques Balmat climb successfully the highest peak in the #Alps - Mont Blanc (4.810m) ⛰️Balmat was a professional mineral & crystal collector in the western Alps 💎
#MineralMonday as a fervent supporter of #TeamIceMin here is ice in situ at the Root Glacier near Kennecott Alaska in Wrangell St Elias National Park with my mom for scale. Cooling dreams of glacier breezes to everyone suffering in the heat.
#MineralMonday #AlaskaGeology garnets from Wrangell Alaska. Widely available in Alaska rock and tourism shops. (I bought mine from the Denali Rock shop outside the park in glittergulch) They can only be mined by the children of Wrangell. Fun story here
#MineralMonday Andalusite in the chiastolite form (crosses) in schist. From the Littleton formation in Sterling MA. Town next door, Lancaster, has larger crystals.
Marie Sklodowska Curie died July 4, 1934, from leukemia, caused by exposure to high-energy radiation from her research. The mineral Ewingite is found in the same region (Czech Republic) where uranium ore was mined for the Curie’s groundbreaking studies of #radioactivity ☢️💎
#PunchANaziSaturday #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdayNight #SoulfulSaturday #StoatSaturday
#ShrimpSunday #ShoulderSunday #SpiderSunday #SucculentSunday #SundayRoast #SundayRunDay #SundayStarter #SundayThoughts #SunDog #SunriseSunday #SunsetSunday
#BlueMonday #MacroMonday #ManicMonday #MashMonday #MementoMoriMonday #MetalMonday #MineralMonday #MiteMonday #MolluscMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MossMonday #MotorheadMonday #MountainsMonday #MustangMonday #TransMusicMonday
#AstroTuesday #DuckTuesday #HootinTootinTuesday #PatchTuesday #TacoTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TransTuesday #TuesdayArt #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayVibes #Tunesday #TuneSwapTuesday #TuskTuesday
#MittwochMetalMix #WaterWednesday #WednesdayAddams #WedsNeigh #WeevilWednesday #Wenbiesday #WestWed #WildHorseWednesday #WineWednesday #WishListWednesday #WrensDay
#BlackAndWhiteThursday #Fursday #RomanFortThursday #ThankfulThursday #ThickTrunkThursday #ThursdayThoughts #VerseThursday
#AdventureGameFriday #FairisleFriday #FastingFridaysForFuture #FBF #FediFriday #FernFriday #FilmFriday #FindsFriday #FineFemmeFriday #FishFriday #FishyFriday #FloralFriday #FlyFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayEve #FridayHeretics #FridayMorning #FridayMusic #FridayNightBeersAreTheBestBeers #FriYay #FrogFriday #FroggyFriday #FunFriday #FunSockFriday #PhotographyFriday #RuinedPrioryFriday #TransVoiceFriday
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#punchanazisaturday #romansitesaturday #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaynight #soulfulsaturday #stoatsaturday #shrimpsunday #shouldersunday #spidersunday #succulentsunday #sundayroast #sundayrunday #sundaystarter #sundaythoughts #sundog #sunrisesunday #sunsetsunday #bluemonday #macromonday #manicmonday #mashmonday #mementomorimonday #metalmonday #mineralmonday #MiteMonday #molluscmonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #mossmonday #motorheadmonday #mountainsmonday #mustangmonday #transmusicmonday #astrotuesday #ducktuesday #hootintootintuesday #patchtuesday #tacotuesday #toebeanstuesday #transtuesday #TuesdayArt #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdayvibes #tunesday #tuneswaptuesday #tusktuesday #mittwochmetalmix #waterwednesday #wednesdayaddams #wedsneigh #WeevilWednesday #wenbiesday #westwed #wildhorsewednesday #winewednesday #wishlistwednesday #wrensday #blackandwhitethursday #fursday #romanfortthursday #thankfulthursday #thicktrunkthursday #thursdaythoughts #VerseThursday #adventuregamefriday #fairislefriday #fastingfridaysforfuture #fbf #fedifriday #fernfriday #filmfriday #FindsFriday #finefemmefriday #fishfriday #fishyfriday #floralfriday #flyfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayeve #fridayheretics #fridaymorning #fridaymusic #fridaynightbeersarethebestbeers #friyay #frogfriday #froggyfriday #funfriday #funsockfriday #photographyfriday #ruinedprioryfriday #transvoicefriday
Popular weekly #Hashtags (Rev 1.3)
#Caturday #InsectSaturday #InsektenSamstag #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayArt #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdaySighting #SaturdayVibes #SixOnSaturday #ScreenshotSaturday #SoulfulSaturday
#HappySunday #ShakespeareSunday #SilentSunday #SocialistSunday #StandingStoneSunday #SundayFunday #SundayMorning #SundayRoast #SundayStory #SundayVibes
#BlueMonday #FotoMontag #MacroMonday #MineralMonday #MondayMood #MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MonDog #MonochromeMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MushroomMonday #MusicMonday #PhotoMonday
#AstroTuesday #MusicTuesday #NudeyTuesday #TattooTuesday #TextureTuesday #ThickTrunkTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TombTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #TreeTuesday #TuesdayArt
#WaterfallWednesday #Wedsneigh #WhiskersWednesday #WildlifeWednesday #WIPWednesday #WoofWednesday
#BlackandWhiteThursday #ThirstyThursday #ThrowBackThursday #ThursdayVibes #VerseThursday
#AlternateFridayMusic #BandcampFriday #BlackFriday #BunnyButtFriday #FensterFreitag #FernFriday #FF #FineFemmeFriday #FingerPostFriday #FlashbackFriday #FloralFriday #FlowerFriday #FlyFriday #FollowBackFriday #FollowFriday #FortnightFridayMusic #FossilFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayFeeling #FridayFold #FridayMusic #FridaysForFuture #FridayVibes #FunFriday #FungiFriday #FurSuitFriday #JukeboxFridayNight #PhotographyFriday #WindowFriday
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#hashtags #caturday #insectsaturday #insektensamstag #romansitesaturday #saturdayart #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaysighting #saturdayvibes #sixonsaturday #screenshotsaturday #soulfulsaturday #happysunday #shakespearesunday #silentsunday #socialistsunday #standingstonesunday #sundayfunday #sundaymorning #sundayroast #sundaystory #sundayvibes #bluemonday #Fotomontag #macromonday #mineralmonday #mondaymood #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation #mondog #monochromemonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #MushroomMonday #musicmonday #Photomonday #astrotuesday #MusicTuesday #nudeytuesday #tattootuesday #texturetuesday #thicktrunktuesday #toebeanstuesday #tombtuesday #tongueouttuesday #treetuesday #TuesdayArt #waterfallwednesday #wedsneigh #whiskerswednesday #wildlifewednesday #wipwednesday #woofwednesday #blackandwhitethursday #thirstythursday #throwbackthursday #thursdayvibes #VerseThursday #alternatefridaymusic #BandcampFriday #blackfriday #bunnybuttfriday #fensterfreitag #fernfriday #ff #finefemmefriday #fingerpostfriday #flashbackfriday #floralfriday #flowerfriday #flyfriday #followbackfriday #followfriday #fortnightfridaymusic #fossilfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayfeeling #fridayfold #fridaymusic #fridaysforfuture #fridayvibes #funfriday #FungiFriday #fursuitfriday #jukeboxfridaynight #photographyfriday #windowfriday
#MineralMonday 💎 Any #help or clues what the word in the middle says or means?
Campitello" (an Italian locality)
Mineral label by Italian collector G. Garbari (1863-1937)
#MineralMonday Rock crystals found at a possible 1.500 to 2.000-year-old Roman cult site in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland 💎
Rock crystals appear time and again in Roman sanctuaries and temples. The antique author Pliny the Elder is famous for his encyclopedia Naturalis historia, in which he describes rock crystals from the Alps as eternally frozen or fossilized ice.
#MineralMonday #History 💎 Watercolour painting done between 1797-1802 of clinoclase by Miss F. Rashleigh from her collection. The crystals were found in the famous Wheal Gorland mine in Cornwall, where this mineral was first described in 1801.
📷 by
#MineralMonday #History 💎 Anna E. Durkee, one of the early garnet miners in #Alaska, holding crystals extracted along Garnet Ledge/Garnet Creek, probably about 1906. The site is still today famous for the clear crystals sitting on the mica-shist 💎
#Alaska #History #mineralmonday
March 6, 1866, died #OTD, philosopher & historian of #science William Whewell. He coined many concepts in #geology - like catastrophism & uniformitarianism - and was especially interested in mineralogy.
Whewellite was named in his honor 💎 #MineralMonday
#mineralmonday #geology #Science #otd
#MineralMonday 💎 New mineral named Heimit, after the Swiss geologist Albert Heim (1849-1937), who studied the tectonic structure of the Alps, and discovered thanks to the #Covid lockdown.
Swiss geologist Philippe Roth collected some rock samples in the Chalt-Valley in the Glaerner Alps 20 years ago.
As the lockdown in 2021 made field research impossible, he decided to take a closer look at his old samples, noting some green, tabular to needle-like crystals of a new 💎
That was then, this is now…
Two student “minerals sets” from different eras: One from this year, one from the 1950s or 1960s.
Though aimed at different audiences, the contrast is stark.
One aimed at presenting shiny things “Gems”, that are really mostly several varieties of cryptocrystalline quartz.
The other is a serious student’s set of rock-forming minerals and rock.
I think I would like to see more serious science offered to kids…
#mineralmonday #minerals #rocks #geologyhumor
Contribution for Mineral Monday
Two terminated quartz crystals with incorporated acicular rutile crystals
#mineralmonday #mineral #rocks #geology
Happy #MineralMonday bei #Goethe_Rocks!
#MineralMonday Wulfenite is a lead molybdate mineral, often associated with weathering of hydrothermal lead ore deposits. This sample is from the Harquahala Mountains in central Arizona USA. Trying a short video this time.