@Puurava @NPO @nporadio1
#spraakmakers #spraakmakersop1
Is het winstwegsluizen door #multinationals al bij wet onmogelijk gemaakt ?
#paradisepapers #panamapapers #cumexfiles #multinationals #metjebelasting #spraakmakersop1 #spraakmakers
Just checking that we all understand this: the world isn't ruled by #governments any more, it's the #multinationals and their #oligarch owners who are grabbing everything before there's nothing left to grab, are looking to save themselves and a few loyal slaves/footsoldiers (soon to be replaced by robots, AI etc) and the rest of us are entirely dispensable.
They know the #breakdown of #civilisation is coming; they've known for #decades. Hence the #PrivateIslands #Stockades and #Bunkers
#Bunkers #stockades #privateIslands #decades #civilisation #breakdown #oligarch #multinationals #governments
The @UN is better positioned than the rich-country led @OECD to lead development of the world's #tax rules and policies, according to a new "advance" draft UN report.
#multinationals #taxation #cooperation #developingcountries #inclusion #g20
#g20 #Inclusion #developingcountries #cooperation #taxation #multinationals #tax
So wie so een perverse #subsidie, @EU_Commission
Alleen nog #bioboer steunen
Niet #grootbedrijf en #multinationals
#multinationals #grootbedrijf #bioboer #subsidie
Australia's upcoming global minimum #tax is intended to stop offshore #taxevasion. There are doubts it will work.
Next year, #Australia will introduce a global minimum tax aimed at preventing #multinationals based within its borders from evading tax.
As announced in the last federal budget, the new tax will include an additional levy charged to these companies, who have an annual global revenue of at least $1.2 billion.
#ausecon #auspol #taxtherich #pwc
#tax #taxevasion #australia #multinationals #ausecon #auspol #taxtherich #pwc
Why #Australia is a paradise for foreign investors #monopoly #duopoly #coles #multinationals #taxtherich
#australia #monopoly #duopoly #coles #multinationals #taxtherich
#BusinessCouncil of Australia … or Business Council of Foreign #Multinationals ?
A new report confirms that Big Business in #Australia is totally dominated by foreign owners, particularly the #fossilfuels export sector now whining, make that ‘always whining’, about modest tweaks to curb their profiteering. What’s the scam? #auspol
#BusinessCouncil #multinationals #australia #fossilfuels #auspol
Despite the #PwC scandal, #multinationals have fought off laws to boost #tax transparency #auspol
#pwc #multinationals #tax #auspol
Risk looms
Global deal teeters
Cracks in the first pillar
#globaltaxreform #taxingrights #multinationals #uspolitics #cinquain #poetry
#globaltaxreform #taxingrights #multinationals #uspolitics #cinquain #poetry
For Musk and other foreign CEOs visiting China, silence is golden https://www.euractiv.com/section/china/news/for-musk-and-other-foreign-ceos-visiting-china-silence-is-golden/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #China #ElonMusk #multinationals
#china #elonmusk #multinationals
For Musk and other foreign CEOs visiting China, silence is golden https://www.euractiv.com/section/china/news/for-musk-and-other-foreign-ceos-visiting-china-silence-is-golden/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #China #ElonMusk #multinationals
#China #elonmusk #multinationals
Tja, of het nou gaat om de #Qkoorts, #Chroom6, #asbestkanker, #vliegherrie, #toeslagenschandaal of #Groningen
Burgers scheep je af
#Multinationals plaats je boven de wet
mensen zijn collateral damage
#moneytalks #multinationals #groningen #toeslagenschandaal #vliegherrie #asbestkanker #chroom6 #qkoorts
Typisch #VVD en #CDA
Voor de camera's zeggen dat 'iedereen de energietransitie moet kunnen meemaken'
en dan beleid maken dat #energie-#multinationals geen strobreed in de weg legt èn alle #winst doet opstrijken.
Waar blijf je nou, meneer de klimaatdrammer ?
#winst #multinationals #energie #cda #vvd
I sincerely hope to see this happen on a daily base.
IMHO all #multinationals who #pollute should be sued worldwide to pay for all damage done to people and #environment
All #corrupt #politicians who supported these #multinationals should be ousted.
#Congo #Zambia #Chingola #Klimakrise #mining #fossilfuels #COP15 #COP28 #BBC #EU #Europe #America #Guardian #DW #Bild #France24 #Asia #Africa #Australia #Times #India #journalists #NYT #Guardian #DW #Bild #Spiegel #Letztegeneration #ExtinctionRebellion
#multinationals #pollute #environment #corrupt #politicians #congo #zambia #chingola #KlimaKrise #mining #fossilfuels #COP15 #COP28 #bbc #EU #europe #america #guardian #dw #bild #france24 #asia #africa #australia #Times #India #journalists #nyt #spiegel #LetzteGeneration #ExtinctionRebellion
De adviescommissie bestond grotendeels uit regeringsfunctionarissen ....
En naar prof Lejour wordt niet geluisterd ?
#multinationals #belastingparadijs
#Belasting #multinationals verhogen ?
Ook dat gaat #Rutte niet doen.
'de Adviescommissie constateert dat deze maatregel een negatief effect zou hebben
voor de reële investeringen in Nederland. '
Succes vanmiddag @TomvanderLee en @HenkNijboer
#belastingparadijs #vestigingsklimaat #rutte #multinationals #belasting
Economic Watch: #Multinationals expect to unlock new opportunities in Chinese market through #Hainan expo
For Stefania Lazzaroni, general manager of Italy's luxury brands committee Altagamma, the third Hainan expo presents "an amazing opportunity, and we really want to have the occasion to illustrate and tell the story of the amazing beauty of our brands."
With the multinationals' profit gouging lately, we may see more of this.
#Nationalisation #ResourceExtraction #Multinationals #Politics
#nationalisation #resourceextraction #multinationals #politics
Even vastleggen in plaatjes voor het nageslacht
#belasting #rulings #Bigoil #multinationals
'De gemiste belastingen op fossiele brandstoffen blijken in sommige jaren op te lopen tot €30 miljard, meer dan 14% van de belastingen die wél geïnd zijn. '
Met veel dank aan #mejudice, niet hier aanwezig helaas.
Hier het hele stuk
#mejudice #multinationals #bigoil #rulings #belasting #fossielesubsidies