Nacon Daija PS5 im Test: Der beste Arcade Stick auf dem Markt! – Nischenprodukt #RevealYourSkills #GameController #Testberichte #ArcadeStick #technologie #Testbericht #Controller #FightStick #NaconDaija #Technology #hardware #technik #Gaming #gaming #Review #games #nacon #tech #Test
#revealyourskills #gamecontroller #Testberichte #ArcadeStick #technologie #testbericht #controller #fightstick #nacondaija #technology #hardware #technik #gaming #review #games #nacon #tech #test
I am happy with my Sanwa enhaced #RAP4 which works on #PS5 still.
If not, the #NaconDaija 🕹 would have been interesting😊
The price is higher than my old one cost me including replacement buttons but my wife might accept the purchase because of its white color😉
The features are nice too but I stick with my RAP4 which works on PS3, PS4, PS5 and.... RetroPie🤙
Ah and with an adapter on Switch too🤗