aLFRe‍ · @aLFRe
9 followers · 432 posts · Server

Profits of Indian Cos. and Foreign Direct Investments are expatriated in form of suitcases full of money or diamonds or whatever.
Salaries there are miserable and living conditions appalling
Once outside country, is reinvested via that do not pay a dime in taxes in ,
making it impossible to fund any public policy on education,health, care for disadvantaged people or any kind of services to Indian society
Its ruling class is a kleptocracy and India is a failed state.

#blackmoney #offshores #india

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Gomes · @AnaMartinsGomes
44 followers · 4496 posts · Server

O q @fmedinapessoal @mariofcenteno @antoniocostapm @bancodeportugal @AUT_TRIB_ADUA já podiam fazer para combater o contínuo “apagão fiscal”, q drena capitais p/ em e (branqueamento). Mas não fazem, tolhidos por interesses. Contra o do País e da .
RT @CasiElisa: Our paper on the effect of mandatory disclosure rules () on cross-border tax evasion is now online!Check it out https://www.wider.…


#offshores #evasaofiscal #BCFT #UE #DAC6

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Gomes · @AnaMartinsGomes
44 followers · 4496 posts · Server

Portugal deveria estar na 1a. linha deste combate contra , se governo tirasse consequências do , como o falecido SEAF Fernando Rocha Andrade tirou. Mas que farão seus amigos ⁦@fmedinapessoal⁩ e ⁦@antoniocostapm⁩ ????


#offshores #apagãofiscal

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Gomes · @AnaMartinsGomes
44 followers · 4496 posts · Server

O negócio da venda de hospitais públicos a anónimos em para que nos alertou. E que me levou a ver q @JosephMuscat_JM nada tinha de realmente trabalhista: era um despudorado escroque e capaz de tudo…
RT @BorgJake: How a passport buyer and Vitals shareholder, who touted himself as an 'unofficial adviser' to Joseph Muscat, milked millions from the failed hospitals deal https://timesofmalta.c…


#offshores #DaphneCaruanaGalizia #Malta

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Gomes · @AnaMartinsGomes
44 followers · 4496 posts · Server

Tal vai a bagunça na nossa (in)Justiça… Arrestado de novo, o arresto desarrestado… fora o q nunca foi arrestado por esses parqueado, assegurando doçura a Salgado e herdeiros…



Last updated 2 years ago

p. 25:

" The latest
events related to the publication of the dossier on the of V.
and representatives of his team indicate that not all influential circles in the
are in favor of the authorities, to whom they put demands for control
over the country’s judicial and anti-corruption systems, as well as consolidation
of their influence in corporate governance. "

#ukrainian #west #zelensky #offshores

Last updated 3 years ago

Con las en el poder, nos gobiernan los :

#Mentiroso #ilegal #lasso #ecuador #offshores #derechas

Last updated 3 years ago