Spaceflight 🚀 · @spaceflight
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Universe Today · @universetoday
2 followers · 1 posts · Server

Over 100 Million Years Ago, Olympus Mons Had a Massive Landslide

The tallest mountain in the Solar System is Olympus Mons, a giant shield volcano that reaches 21.9 km high, 2.5 times higher than Mount Everest. Ancient lava flows surround the volcanic caldera, evidence of an active time. These lava flows created extremely sharp cliffs, as high as 7 km in some areas, which have suddenly collapsed in mind-boggling landslides. Images from ESA's Mars Express spacecraft show one of these landslides that occurred 100 million years ago when a chunk of the volcano broke off and spread across the surrounding plains.

#mars #olympusmons

Last updated 1 year ago

Fraser Cain · @fraser
2854 followers · 754 posts · Server

Olympus Could Have Been a Giant Volcanic Island in an Ancient Martian Ocean

Olympus Mons is the tallest volcano in the Solar System, towering over the parched Martian landscape. But scientists believe that oceans once covered Mars. Was Mars once like the giant shield volcanoes in the Hawaiian islands poking out from the ocean? New research shows that the giant volcano has similar features to Earth's volcanic islands, where the ocean might have contacted the lava flows. Other giant volcanoes on Mars have similar weathering, and a vast ocean might have covered the whole region.

#mars #olympusmons #planetaryscience

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
190 followers · 238 posts · Server

Sinuous Channels East Of Olympus Mons, Mars - Implications For Volcanic, Hydrological, And Tectonic Processes
-- <-- paper
• [They] mapped channels and fossae within the volcanic plains east of Olympus Mons.
• Late Amazonian channels east of Olympus Mons formed by eruptions of lava or water.
• Fossae morphologies correspond to episodes of magmatic dike and sill emplacement.
• Loading of Olympus Mons may control magmatic ascent processes and eruption types..."

#gis #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #Extraterrestrial #olympusmons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #Morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #survey #fluvial #Bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #hirise #ctx #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
73 followers · 88 posts · Server
JCLivingston · @jclivingston
14 followers · 8 posts · Server

Mars is indeed a joker as mentioned in JPL's Larry Crumpler book Missions to Mars. Olympus Mons may be visible in my image below. But Mars likes to play tricks on our eyes.

#astrophotography #mars #olympusmons

Last updated 2 years ago