Divine Body Splatter
#twitter #Tweets #haiku #vss365 #haikuchallenge #penyourten
Splatter Patter
#twitter #Tweets #haiku #vss365 #haikuchallenge #penyourten
a pebble washed on shore
rounded by tides, sunbathes, dreams
of immovable might
— § —
scoring the paddock
daffodils blare xanthic fanfares
to passing bees
— § —
hidden in undergrowth
limbs a-quiver, a dormouse
follows the hawk's sweep
#MicroPoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry
#TheDailyHaiku: pebble;
#PenYourTen: daffodils; #HaikuChallenge: xanthic (yellow);
#575Prompt: quiver (host: @aethelshane)
#haiku #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #thedailyhaiku #penyourten #haikuchallenge #575prompt
Daffodils design
A decorated sari
Soft spread on the bed
#dailyhaikuprompt #haiku soft
#PenYourTen daffodils
#dailyhaikuprompt #haiku #craiyon #penyourten
ancient forests
deeply anchored ... heart strings
in tones of cello
#amwriting #nature #observations #haiku #senryu #3lines #10WordJournal #PenYourTen
#amwriting #Nature #observations #haiku #senryu #3lines #10wordjournal #penyourten
Equinox balance
Caress the wild within you
Always cedes valence
#DailyHaikuPrompt - equinox
#HaikuChallenge Wild
#vss365 caress
#PenYourTen always
#dailyhaikuprompt #haiku #freehaiku #poem #smallpoems #micropoetry #haikuchallenge #vss365 #penyourten #craiyon
too heavy
even for a poem
the weight of time
#amwriting #observations #haiku #senryu #3lines #10WordJournal #PenYourTen
#amwriting #observations #haiku #senryu #3lines #10wordjournal #penyourten
Don't be a naysayer,
neither be you negative
nor constantly find fault—
that's my job.
— § —
Connecting dots can be challenging
in our Jackson Pollack lives.
— § —
My old knapsack,
compadre of the track—
son never brought it back.
#MicroPoetry #poems #poetry
#15WordsPoet: naysayer
#PenYourTen: connect
#StoryIn12: knapsack
#smallpoems #micropoetry #poems #poetry #15wordspoet #penyourten #storyin12
one final piece
completes the jigsaw puzzle—
where is it?
— § —
cry wolf? no good
your histrionics bore me
sharp teeth sink in
— § —
what insolent cheek
to mock my Parnassian
tours de tommyrot!
#haiku #senryū #deskku #MicroPoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry
#PenYourTen: puzzle
#DailyHaikuPrompt: wolf
#StoryIn12: cheek
#MastoPrompt: mock
#HaikuChallenge: Parnassian
#senryu #haiku #deskku #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #penyourten #dailyhaikuprompt #storyin12 #MastoPrompt #haikuchallenge
RT @optionurol@twitter.com
Embrace the new you.
Remain eternally hopeful
Release the past
#vss365 #haikufeels #amatory #haiku #3lines #WritingCommunity #poetry #amwriting #PenYourTen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/optionurol/status/1609298583337193473
#vss365 #haikufeels #amatory #Haiku #3lines #writingcommunity #poetry #amwriting #penyourten
The grey squirrel scrabbled down the railings to prop up on its haunches, demanding it's daily peanut tithe. Sorry, bud, I'm out!
the squirrel's chitter
translated to plain English
would have scorched my ears
#haibun #haiku (#130Story: translated)
— § —
Changed channels
to watch boats drift
along a peaceful fjord.
#PenYourTen: channel
— § —
the unguarded grape
no formal invitations
in the blue jays' realm
#haiku #575prompt: realm
#haibun #haiku #130story #penyourten #575prompt #micropoetry
ㅤ thread the maze
of crazed holiday shoppers
blocked aisles, clogged roads
— § —
sunset's blush fades
to reveal a panoply
of night's freckles
— § —
from a high perch
a myna repeats gibberish
the whole forest hears
#haiku #senryu #micropoetry
#DailyHaikuChallenge: thread; #PenYourTen: maze
#Fantaiku: sky; #FridayKiss: night
#Promptodon: garrulous; #575prompt 39: gibberish
#haiku #senryu #micropoetry #dailyhaikuchallenge #penyourten #fantaiku #fridaykiss #promptodon #575prompt
RT ChantOcatharcis: She, with her paradoxical heart,
Dancing with certainty that she's lost ,
Little does she know she's to be found for ever,
In my arms
QT mineisforever: My heart, a maze,
hellbent on ensuring
I’m lost forever
power lines
swaying to a tune
only they can hear
#amwriting #observations #senryu #penyourten #10wordjournal
RT @optionurol@twitter.com
Felt shy in love.
A solitary candle lit his heart.
Could never tell her.
#haikufeels (shy) #PenYourTen #mulledrhyme #love #haiku
#WritingCommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetrytwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/optionurol/status/1598221137120403456
#haikufeels #penyourten #mulledrhyme #love #Haiku #writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetrytwitter
If I listen enough,
I almost believe you
Have answers.
#less #nail #weird #penyourten #vss365 #haiku #haikuchallenge
Powerless to the implications
That the pieces,
Put together,
#penyourten #WritingCommunity #poetry