Make the connections that progress not only your career, but #PolymerChemistry as a whole.
Early bird registration for the #ChemSciSymposium closes 7 September – have you booked yet? Join a worldwide community of researchers, in person and online:
#chemistry #chemiverse #chemicalscience #ChemSciSymposium #polymerchemistry
Make the connections that progress not only your career, but #PolymerChemistry as a whole.
Early bird registration for the #ChemSciSymposium closes 7 September – have you booked yet?
Join a worldwide community of researchers, in person and online:
#chemistry #chemiverse #chemicalscience #ChemSciSymposium #polymerchemistry
The one upside of a #StupidOClock morning flight to Brisbane for #PPC17, was a morning at the always spectacular Queensland gallery of modern art. #AirGoma followed by some cracking #PolymerChemistry.
#stupidoclock #ppc17 #airgoma #polymerchemistry