#ProEmpathyVoters where I live can and must vote against #MassMurderAccomplices like Ohio Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Ohio State House Representative Bill Dean, and Ohio State Senator Shane Wilkin. #Repeal2nd
#proempathyvoters #massmurderaccomplices #repeal2nd
@charliejane #ProEmpathyVoters can reframe bipartisan as something voters do versus legislators. For example, #RankChoiceVoting could be a way to empower communities of nurturing families caring for each other to eliminate separate primaries. Any vs thoughts on this?
#proempathyvoters #RankChoiceVoting
@APBBlue #ConservativeFreedomKillsUs #ProEmpathyFreedomProtectsUs #ProEmpathyVoters are the solution.
#conservativefreedomkillsus #proempathyfreedomprotectsus #proempathyvoters
@mapache_tico #ProEmpathyVoters and their #ProEmpathyRepresentatives are #Woke and #CruelConservatives are #AntiWoke #NightmareSpreaders.
#proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives #woke #cruelconservatives #Antiwoke #nightmarespreaders
@rbreich #ProEmpathyVoters want #ProEmpathyRepresentatives & #ProEmpathyAllies like you to #ReframeConservatism to #CruelConservatism #SrictFatherFamilyValuesHarmUs.
#proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives #proempathyallies #reframeconservatism #cruelconservatism #srictfatherfamilyvaluesharmus
@RoseFlint #ProEmpathyVoters need #ProEmpathyRepresentatives to protect and empower the #FamilyFreedom your daughter enjoys. #ProEmpathyFreesWomen
#proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives #familyfreedom #proempathyfreeswomen
@Bwheatnyc #ProEmpathyVoters must replace #MassMurderLoopholes #CruelConservatives with #ProEmpathyRepresentatives!
#proempathyvoters #massmurderloopholes #cruelconservatives #proempathyrepresentatives
@Nicolezeg #ProEmpathyVoters want #HealthcareHumanRights enabled with more #ProEmpathyRepresentatives.
#proempathyvoters #healthcarehumanrights #proempathyrepresentatives
https://mstdn.social/@newsbot/109947866480214574 When will Americans be free from the fear of foreign and domestic billionaires and their deadly autocratic representatives? #ProEmpathyFreedom #ProEmpathyVoters thank @potus
#proempathyfreedom #proempathyvoters
@yaneerbaryam #CruelConservatism is deadly and harms Americans. #ProEmpathyRepresentatives need #ProEmpathyVoters to show up at local public meetings and frame the local debate to protect communities of diverse nurturing families who care for each other.
#cruelconservatism #proempathyrepresentatives #proempathyvoters
@GatekeepKen #CruelConservatism is deadly and harmful. #ProEmpathyVoters want #ProEmpathyRepresentatives!
#cruelconservatism #proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives
@bleakfuture #ConservativeAurocrats are showing up locally and telling their cruel vision of morality. #ProEmpathyVoters can, should, and do more showing up locally and promote our mutual duties to protect and empower diverse communities of #NurturingFamilies caring for each other. We are and can be a #PresentHope. #ProEmpathyVoters must demand #ProEmpathyRepresentatives.
#conservativeaurocrats #proempathyvoters #nurturingfamilies #presenthope #proempathyrepresentatives
I’m looking for 100 new Southern Ohio congressional district 2 #ProEmpathyVoters to consider donating $2/week to Samantha Meadows, shown holding the #ProEmpathyFreesWomen sign. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/samantha-cares
#proempathyvoters #proempathyfreeswomen
@GottaLaff Conservatism breeds #MassMurder accomplices. We need more #ProEmpathyVoters to elect #ProEmpathyRepresentatives.
#massmurder #proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives
@JoshuaHolland The headline is misleading. A fetus is a fetus until it’s born or aborted. Why is WAPO confusing its readers? Only fetuses are born or aborted. #ProEmpathyVoters #ProEmpathyRepresentatives
#proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives
@augieray let’s reframe mass shooting to #ConservativeMassMurder and #Repeal2nd. #ProEmpathyVoters
#conservativemassmurder #repeal2nd #proempathyvoters
@stopgopfox it’s a horrific story of #CruelCorporations run by #CruelConservatives running and ruining our lives. #ProEmpathyVoters need more #ProEmpathyRepresentatives.
#cruelcorporations #cruelconservatives #proempathyvoters #proempathyrepresentatives
@rbreich Norfolk Southern is just one of many #CruelCorporations. #ProEmpathyVoters
#cruelcorporations #proempathyvoters