Dan Leppold · @danleppold
28 followers · 24 posts · Server mastodon.world

Really enjoying SAS Rogue Hero's. Episode 5 just dropped tonight and had me on the edge of my seat. One of my favorite lines so far in ep 5 is "expect to be isolated by my contempt" . . . 
Growing up I was a big fan of the series Rat Patrol. 
Here is a photograph of the real chaps that were SAS in North Africa during WWII. 
I think I need to read some books about the SAS campaigns in North Africa . . . seems fascinating. Anyone have any books they recommend?

#ratpatrol #sasrogueheroes

Last updated 2 years ago

Dan Leppold · @danleppold
43 followers · 48 posts · Server mastodon.world

Really enjoying SAS Rogue Hero's. Episode 5 just dropped tonight and had me on the edge of my seat. One of my favorite lines so far in ep 5 is "expect to be isolated by my contempt" . . . 
Growing up I was a big fan of the series Rat Patrol. 
Here is a photograph of the real chaps that were SAS in North Africa during WWII. 
I think I need to read some books about the SAS campaigns in North Africa . . . seems fascinating. Anyone have any books they recommend?

#ratpatrol #sasrogueheroes

Last updated 2 years ago

Dan Leppold · @danleppold
28 followers · 23 posts · Server mastodon.world

Really enjoying SAS Rogue Hero's. Episode 5 just dropped tonight and had me on the edge of my seat. One of my favorite lines so far in ep 5 is "expect to be isolated by my contempt" . . .

Growing up I was a big fan of the series Rat Patrol.

Here is a photograph of the real chaps that were SAS in North Africa during WWII.

I think I need to read some books about the SAS campaigns in North Africa . . . seems fascinating. Anyone have any books on the topic they recommend?


Last updated 2 years ago