szczur.jpg :molotov: · @szczur
71 followers · 461 posts · Server

Znalazłem dzisiaj zdjęcie mojego pierwszego szczura - miała na imię Czika, żyła w latach 2012-2015, była naprawdę fajnym szczurem. Uwielbiała siedzieć na moim ramieniu. Na drugim zdjęciu jest Askia, żyła w latach 2014-2017. Była małym szczurkiem rasy Husky i bardzo lubiła metallicę, bo dużo biegała w rytm ich utworów. Na ostatnim zdjęciu mój pies, Freja, którego razem z siostrą przygarnęliśmy po znalezieniu w lesie oraz Mila, siostra Cziki, bardzo dzika, pocieszna i towarzyska dama. Żyła w latach 2012-2016.

No, to... ciekawy post, tak myślę. Szkoda, że już są za tęczowym mostem. Tęsknię za nimi.

#throwbacktime #szczurposting #szczur #zwierzenasloniu #rat #pet #petrats #ratsofmaston

Last updated 1 year ago

szczur.jpg :molotov: · @szczur
63 followers · 386 posts · Server

Dziękuję @mr_zvbr za narysowanie mi tego pięknego, komiksowego obrazka anarcho-szczurów.

Polecam opiniotwórczy kanał o charakterze egalitarnym

#GilotynaTV #ratsofmastodon #ratsofmaston #szczurposting #rat #anarchy #Chaos #zwierzenasloniu

Last updated 1 year ago

szczur.jpg :molotov: · @szczur
56 followers · 276 posts · Server
szczur.jpg :molotov: · @szczur
38 followers · 125 posts · Server
szczur.jpg · @szczur
35 followers · 75 posts · Server


Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help.

So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now, but may burst any day killing my rat, and she's almost 1 year old.
She is in a need of surgery. One I, sadly, can't currently fully afford due to personal challenges. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough - because the surgery will cost me something like 350-450 PLN in total I just can't afford.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself, which is really difficult at the moment, thanks to rampant inflation, low work hours and super-expensive veterinary treatment.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated.


I'll post receipts and other details when asked. Thank you.

#fundme #helpneeded #financialaid #aid #veterinarian #rat #ratsofmaston #ratsofmastodon #pet #pets #moneyneeded #donationrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

szczur.jpg · @szczur
35 followers · 75 posts · Server


Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help.

So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now, but may burst any day killing my rat, and she's almost 1 year old.
She is in a need of surgery. One I, sadly, can't currently fully afford due to personal challenges. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough - because the surgery will cost me something like 350-450 PLN in total I just can't afford.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself, which is really difficult at the moment, thanks to rampant inflation, low work hours and super-expensive veterinary treatment.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated.


I'll post receipts and other details when asked. Thank you.

#fundme #helpneeded #financialaid #aid #veterinarian #rat #ratsofmaston #ratsofmastodon #pet #pets #moneyneeded #donationrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

szczur.jpg · @szczur
35 followers · 75 posts · Server


Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help.

So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now, but may burst any day killing my rat, and she's almost 1 year old.
She is in a need of surgery. One I, sadly, can't currently fully afford due to personal challenges. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough - because the surgery will cost me something like 350-450 PLN in total I just can't afford.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself, which is really difficult at the moment, thanks to rampant inflation, low work hours and super-expensive veterinary treatment.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated.


I'll post receipts and other details when asked. Thank you.

#fundme #helpneeded #financialaid #aid #veterinarian #rat #ratsofmaston #ratsofmastodon #pet #pets #moneyneeded #donationrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

szczur · @gregor_samsa
155 followers · 1298 posts · Server

Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help to stay afloat.

So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now. She will need a surgery, though. One I can't currently fully afford, because veterinary care is rather expensive for me at the moment. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough. I've also taken on more work not to be in this situation later.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated. I hate that I need to even pay that much to make my rat not die. What happened to "do no harm", damnit?


I'll post receipts and other details if asked. Thank you, I don't want my rat die.

#MutualAid #aid #donation #financialhelp #help #Care #VeterinaryCare #bills #rat #petrats #ratsofmaston #ratsofmastodon #FuckCapitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

szczur · @gregor_samsa
155 followers · 1297 posts · Server

Hey, to anyone interested in donating a little, I kind of need your help.
So, one of my rats is fighting abscess right now. It's generally life-threatening, although rather contained for now. She will need a surgery, though. One I can't currently fully afford, because veterinary care is rather expensive. I had fortune smile upon me, because there's plenty of people who already helped me a lot, but as I said earlier, sadly it's not enough.

Here's a photo of my rat, after having the wound cleaned up on Tuesday. The affliction is generally making her unable to eat and breathe, because it's so huge inside it pushes her throat and lungs. I will have it removed. But I also need to have funds to pay rent and for food for myself.

I'm not asking for much, but all help is greatly appriciated.


I'll post receipts and other details if asked. Thank you.

#MutualAid #fundme #helpneeded #financialaid #aid #veterinarian #rat #ratsofmaston

Last updated 2 years ago

Hylian Bard :_gaysparkle: · @hylianbard
99 followers · 2676 posts · Server

Well, this is awkward!

#ratsofmaston #petrats

Last updated 2 years ago

Hylian Bard :_gaysparkle: · @hylianbard
93 followers · 2296 posts · Server

Happy everyone! Taro is here to remind you to get rid of everything standing in the way of your ambitions!

#raturday #ratsofmaston #petrats #rats

Last updated 2 years ago