"Depuis l'ouverture d'une nouvelle prison pour migrants à Laval (Québec) en octobre 2022, les détenus ne cessent de nous parler de leurs terribles conditions de détention. Les visites en personne ont été suspendues, alors que les détenus n'ont pas accès à leurs médicaments, se sont plaints d'être servis avec de la nourriture avariée, et beaucoup ont continué à voir leur santé mentale se détériorer. Tout cela dans un établissement flambant neuf, que le gouvernement fédéral a présenté comme une forme de détention 'plus humaine'."
Source : https://www.gofundme.com/f/detention-delivery-fundraiser
#RefugeesWelcome #RefugieesBienvenues #NoBorders #FeuAuxPrisons
#noborders #FeuAuxPrisons #refugeeswelcome #refugieesbienvenues
Le gros caillou sur le plateau de la Croix Rousse
La légende veut que Jean Tormente, huissier de justice de son état, ait été puni par Dieu pour avoir expulsé sans remords une famille de canuts. Puisqu'il avait un caillou à la place du cœur.
#Lyon #refugieesbienvenues
Rapport sur la situation à Plattsburgh (6 avril 2023) : http://www.bridgesnotborders.ca/blog/rapport-sur-la-situation-a-plattsburgh-6-avril-2023
"Deux bénévoles de Bridges Not Borders - Créons des ponts ont passé 6 heures à la station d'autobus de Plattsburgh, rencontrant des réfugiés qui avaient été exclus du Canada et renvoyés aux États-Unis en vertu des règles de l'Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs (ETPS). Voici leur rapport."
#NoOneIsIllegal #NoBorders #PolCA #PolQC #RefugeesWelcome #RefugieesBienvenues
#nooneisillegal #noborders #polca #polqc #refugeeswelcome #refugieesbienvenues
Busy weekend (2/2) : "All-Night Camp for Status" from https://www.solidarityacrossborders.org/en/18-march-all-night-camp-for-status
Saturday, 18 March at 7:30 pm to Sunday, 19 March at 9am
Complexe Guy-Favreau, 200 René-Lévesque Blvd West (Place-d’Armes Metro)
"We are not a crisis, we are in crisis!
Camp in front of the Refugee Board to demand a fully inclusive regularization programme, with no one left behind, NOW! Together for Status for All!
This is part of a panCanadian day of action for a fully inclusive, comprehensive regularization programme and for permanent residence for all migrants, organized by Migrant Rights Network.
For weeks now, the media has not stopped talking about Roxham Road in a distorted way providing fertile ground for racist and xenophobic discourses blaming migrants for all social problems. In this way, anti-migrant groups and politicians are pushing back against efforts to win a regularization programme for undocumented migrants and permanent residence for all migrants. This is how the wealthy are attempting to distract attention from questions of justice and equality, making migrants into scapegoats, and creating divisions among those excluded from wealth and privilege.
While those who profit from these populist discourses stay warm in their big houses, undocumented migrants are left in the dark and cold of an exclusion that kills without mercy: on the borders, on the streets, slowly over years of exploitation and hard physical work, through lack of healthcare, and in the constant stress of precarity, family separation and fear of being arrested, detained and deported.
We don’t leave our countries for the pleasure of migrating to Canada. We come to Canada seeking refuge from diverse problems. We also don’t become undocumented for the fun of it. The unjust immigration system makes us vulnerable.
We demand a regularisation programme without exception or exclusion. We have waited for a regularisation programme for more than 14 months, when Trudeau mandated the federal Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, to regularize undocumented migrants. We also demand permanent residence for all migrants.
We make these demands in solidarity with unhoused communities, with all who face racially profiling, with exploited workers from all backgrounds, with indigenous people whose lands have been stolen … and AGAINST the people who seek to divide, exploit and use us for their own political and financial ends.
Wake up and act fast! Now is the time to make this programme concrete and ensure permanent residence for all!"
#PolQC #PolCA #RefugeesWelcome #RefugieesBienvenues #NoBordersNoNations #OpenBorders
#polqc #polca #refugeeswelcome #refugieesbienvenues #nobordersnonations #OpenBorders