Merke ich mir mal: #JamesCScott, #DieMühlenDerZivilisation, Eine Tiefengeschichte der frühesten Staaten, (2017)
(#RutgerBregman, #ImGrundeGut, Seite 135)
#JamesCScott #diemuhlenderzivilisation #rutgerbregman #imgrundegut
The reaction of #rutgerbregman on LinkendIn to Richard Branson after writing that #humankind was the most inspiring book he has ever read is worthwile reading. @rcbregman
Bregman haalt in LinkedIn-post uit naar Verstappen: "Stop met juichen voor dit soort lui!"
#MonacoGP #SpanishGP #maxverstappen #rutgerbregman #F1
Original tweet :
#f1 #rutgerbregman #maxverstappen #spanishgp #monacogp
Remember that time #tuckercarlson threw a tantrum during an interview with #RutgerBregman for suggesting that Carlson was bought-and-sold by his paymasters?
And now Carlson's lost his job in the wake of having his group chats disclosed in which he says outright that Fox need to stop telling the truth because it's effecting their stock prices?
Only discussion anyone should have with Carlson going forward should be "are you going to apologise to Bregman?"
As Tony Soprano's son said as his father eyed the bathroom door in the diner for the hitman: 'Well you always said we should remember the good times.' Indeed we should. Like when #rutgerbregman accused #TuckerCarlson' of taking 'dirty money' to oppose higher taxes for billionaires & Tucker had a meltdown: “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, you tiny brain. You’re a moron.' Carlson lacked the testicual wherewithall to braodcast it but Dutch TV didn't tho
"Am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkriegs zeigte sich die britische Armeespitze über die Maßen besorgt."
erster Satz aus "Im Grunde gut" von #RutgerBregman auf #isbnmaschine
Waarom komt een alternatief voor het neoliberalisme niet van de grond? #MarianaMazzucato #FrancisFukuyama #FriedrichHayek. #MiltonFreedman #neoliberalisme #keynesianisme #RutgerBregman #ThomasPiketty #Economie #Politiek
#marianamazzucato #francisfukuyama #friedrichhayek #miltonfreedman #neoliberalisme #keynesianisme #rutgerbregman #thomaspiketty #economie #politiek
Interview mit Rutger Bregman, den ich wieder mal sehr wohltuend zu lesen fand.
Sehr erheiternd auch die beiden Kästchen mit Geschichten über ihn am Ende des Texts.
"Die Geschichte der menschlichen Evolution ist in Wirklichkeit kein Survival of the Fittest, sondern ein Survival of the Friendliest"
""Es gibt Grund zu der Sorge ... dass die Freizeit, die erzwungene Freizeit, zu Langeweile, Untätigkeit, Unmoral und zunehmender persönlicher Gewalt führen wird.""
mittlerer Satz aus "Utopien für Realisten" von #RutgerBregman auf #isbnmaschine
Remember that time #TuckerCarlson threw a tantrum at #RutgerBregman for suggesting he was bought-and-paid-for?
And now thanks to the #Dominion #lawsuit we know, from Carlson's own words, that he is such a shill that he would deliberately deceive his audience to protect his paymasters' share price at #foxnews
Tucker owes Bregman (is he on Masto?) an apology.
#foxnews #lawsuit #dominion #rutgerbregman #tuckercarlson
"It is all about caring for one another" - True - and also a theme of another brilliant book I read recently, 'Humankind' by #RutgerBregman.
@sixtus Dabei gibt es deutliche Hinweise, dass die (männlichen) Horden früher nicht ständig jagen waren, und die Frauen brav im Camp blieben, sondern es eine 50:50 Einteilung bei der Kindererziehung gab. Sprich, das Steinzeitmenschen-Bild ist falsch, welches die "Freiheitlichen" heute so huldigen. Wenn die das wüssten 🤭
Lesetipp dazu: "Im Grunde gut" von #RutgerBregman
Books I have finished reading (or re-read) in January.
#TerryPrachett #SueBurke #RutgerBregman #neurodiversity
#TerryPrachett #sueburke #rutgerbregman #neurodiversity
My absolute favorite interaction from Davos was in 2019: Winnie Byanyima and Rutger Bregman.
"You're counting the wrong things. You're not counting dignity of people you're counting exploited people." - Byanyima
Full video, Davos 2019 - The Cost of Inequality: - it's a great way to spend an hour and eleven seconds.
#Davos #WinnieByanyima #RutgerBregman #AliciaBárcenaIbarra #JaneGoodall #ShaminaSingh #Dignity #Work #Inequality #KenGoldman
#davos #winniebyanyima #rutgerbregman #aliciabarcenaibarra #janegoodall #shaminasingh #dignity #work #inequality #kengoldman
keittiöpsykologit saattaa myös viitata muutamaan 60-l psykologiseen kokeeseen, tai Macchiavelliin.
En ollut tietoinen Stanfordin vankilakokeen debunkkauksesta esim itse, se on kiehtova tarina.
Macchiavellin Ruhtinas luemma kuvaa paremminkin tosiaan ruhtinaita, ja vallan turmelevaa vaikutusta kuin normityyppejä
ja "homo economicus" kuvaa osuvammin simpansseja kuin ihmisiä.
2) Seems like a good place to repost the #RutgerBregman video from #Davos in 2019 - The rich are not paying their fair share of taxes - nothing like delivering the truth deep into the belly of the beast
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman #Humankind #RutgerBregman #RecycleBookstore #SanJose
#humankind #rutgerbregman #recyclebookstore #sanjose
De meeste mensen deugen, zegt #rutgerbregman
Maar is dat wel zo?
#words #action #dietchange #carnisme #speciesisme #geloofsysteem
#geloofsysteem #speciesisme #carnisme #dietchange #action #words #rutgerbregman
“You’re a millionaire funded by billionaires.”
Sit back and enjoy this Christmas present brought to you by #RutgerBregman who managed to frustrate #TuckerCarlson to the point that he shouts “I wanna say to you, why don’t you go f*ck yourself?”#FoxNews
#foxnews #tuckercarlson #rutgerbregman
“You’re a millionaire funded by billionaires.”
Sit back and enjoy this Christmas present brought to you by #RutgerBregman who managed to frustrate #TuckerCarlson to the point that he shouts “I wanna say to you, why don’t you go f*ck yourself?”#FoxNews
#foxnews #tuckercarlson #rutgerbregman