"A 25-year-old woman was arrested on April 30 for allegedly threatening on Twitter to disperse #sarin nerve gas at a train station near #Tokyo."
"[Miyuki] Yamamoto was an unsuccessful candidate in the April 23 election for the city assembly. Police are investigating the motives behind the threat."
🔸The ex-candidate for Funabashi City assembly singularly campaigned against COVID19 prevention measures according to FNN Prime Online. Gained 316 out of 182,221 votes cast.
RT @fkontar78@twitter.com
1/6 Cet article banalise les crimes contre l'humanité en faisant un parallèle ignoble entre les massacres chimiques de Saddam contre les kurdes, les massacres au #Sarin d'#Assad contre les syriens et des prétendus massacres aux armes chimiques par la #Turquie contre les kurdes https://twitter.com/alaingresh/status/1610241383930920960
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fkontar78/status/1610299777815805952
Referenced link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-05-genetic-sarin-nerve-gas-gulf.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/medical_xpress/status/1524763543559712768#m
RT by @physorg_com: Genetic study confirms #sarin nerve gas as cause of #GulfWarillness @SciReports https://doi.org/gp49pm https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-05-genetic-sarin-nerve-gas-gulf.html
…al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (#HTS) and its allies, Western-backed #terrorists, aka White Helmets, organization and the Turkistan Islamic Party, are preparing a provocation in Greater Idlib with chlorine and #sarin -armed rockets, possibly to hinder any operation by the Syrian Arab Army #SAA.
HTS believes that a #FalseFlag chemical attack in Greater #Idlib could provoke military strikes by their #fascist patrons US and its UK/Europe #whores against the SAA.
#HTS #terrorists #sarin #SAA #FalseFlag #Idlib #fascist #whores
Working style electronics (II)
#electronics #ebm #sarin #soundcloud #techno
#US Government appears to plan for another #falseflag #chemical attack in #Syria. #Sarin @adam
#us #falseflag #chemical #syria #sarin