Und von #sbm
Masks Revisited https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/masks-revisited/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=masks-revisited
Awesome breakdown of a "paper" how their data picking and mediocre statistics got them the results they wanted but not what data is actually showing.
ICAO: #A3571C
Flt: #EJA314 #NetJets #MDW-#SBM
First seen: 2023/01/12 19:31:39
Min Alt: 4900 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.44 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a3571c #eja314 #netjets #mdw #sbm #planefence #adsb
The #SocietyOfBehavioralMedicine special interest group (SIG) on Theories and Techniques of Behavior Change Interventions has just opened a Call for Nominees for SIG Leadership Positions. Open positions for Junior Co-Chair, Senior Co-Chair, and a Student Representative. Having served as a past senior chair, I highly recommend it! More info: https://www.sbm.org/membership/special-interest-groups/theories-and-techniques-of-behavior-change-interventions #SBM #BehavioralMedicine
#behavioralmedicine #sbm #societyofbehavioralmedicine
@ZekeMD @MDaware How much well intended nonsense from #integrativeMed is acceptable?
How many turds before you recommend not drinking from the punch bowl?
Don't be distracted by profit vs non-profit.
#IntegrativeMed #ebm #sbm #CriticalThinking
After 15 years, what's the status of @sciencebasedmed? What's the difference between SBM and EBM? #sciencebasedmedicine #evidencebasedmedicine #SBM #EBM https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/15-years-of-sbm/
#ScienceBasedMedicine #EvidenceBasedMedicine #sbm #ebm
I guess #SBM is somehow related to #SMM :)
#SBM .. Social Broadcast Media
"A SBM is a corporate online #advertisement platform that entices people (othered as 'users') to broadcast themselves to other people. The term #social is only #PR meant as a lure to get people to sign up and begin the process of making them mindless #users, addicted to #doomscrolling, vanity influencing and toxic behaviors. The aim is to keep them online consuming #Ads. Well-known SBM's include #Twitter, #Facebook, #Youtube and #Tiktok."
#sbm #advertisement #social #pr #users #doomscrolling #ads #twitter #facebook #youtube #tiktok
@pwgtennant I prefer to use #ScienceBaseMedicine or #SBM as the standard for this among many other reasons. Also, this is the same reason why too often you find supposed #EBM believers falling into the contrarian trap.
#sciencebasemedicine #sbm #ebm
5G beim ZDF: Geld verdienen mit Strahlengegnern? https://tarnkappe.info/5g-beim-zdf-geld-verdienen-mit-strahlengegnern/ #Hintergrundbericht #WilfriedKühling #PieroLerchner #Strahlenangst #JörnGutbier #grenzecho #SBM-2015 #5G
#grenzecho #sbm #5g #hintergrundbericht #wilfriedkühling #pierolerchner #strahlenangst #jörngutbier