Continue my #Daily #MagicTheGathering post. Here is more #Planechase fun. A #ShivanDragon alter on the #Shiv #Plane card. Illustrated by #rkpost himself.
This was my first alter. I've seen r.k. post at several events. It's always a joy seeing him and his fun art.
I think of all of the places on #Dominaria #Shiv is one of my favorite. The #ArgothianForest is probably the other.
Did you know that #Gaea'sCradle is the heart of #Argoth ? One of magics most well known lands. #MTGHOP
#daily #magicthegathering #planechase #shivandragon #shiv #plane #rkpost #dominaria #argothianforest #gaea #argoth #mtghop