let’s go, bodhisattvas. there’s a world in need and we have the love and wisdom within us to be of benefit for now and future generations. with open hearts, intention and practice, this can be our path.
#Hope #Love #Wisdom #GoodWork #PlantingSeeds #LoveInAction #OpenHeart #Path #Practice #SitDownRiseUp #Bodhisattvas #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga #RebeccaSolnitQuotes
#hope #love #wisdom #goodwork #plantingseeds #loveinaction #openheart #path #practice #sitdownriseup #bodhisattvas #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga #rebeccasolnitquotes
we have a choice in the reality we create.
what seeds are we, each of us, planting today? seeds of fear and violence? or seeds of love, kindness, faith in goodness, tenderness, and nonaggression?
may hearts open, may sanity and wisdom arise.
#GunViolence #GunReform #PlantingSeeds #Nonaggression #Nonviolence #Love #OpenHeart #SitDownRiseUp #PlantingSeeds #Path #Practice #EngagedBuddhsim #JinpaLhaga
#GunViolence #gunreform #plantingseeds #nonaggression #nonviolence #love #openheart #sitdownriseup #path #practice #engagedbuddhsim #jinpalhaga
bodhisattva work.
#Bodhisattvas #BodhisattvaVow #OpenHeart #Compassion #DoSomething ##ShowUp #SitDownRiseUp #Path #Practice #EngagedBuddhism #SeungSahnQuotes #JinpaLhaga
#bodhisattvas #bodhisattvavow #openheart #compassion #dosomething #showup #sitdownriseup #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #seungsahnquotes #jinpalhaga
A moving quote from Elie Wiesel's 1986 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
#FierceCompassion #EngagedBuddhism #OpenHeart #SitDownRiseUp #ElieWiesel #HolocaustSurvivor #NobelPrizeSpeech #TakeSides #StandUpForChange #Interfere
#fiercecompassion #engagedbuddhism #openheart #sitdownriseup #eliewiesel #holocaustsurvivor #nobelprizespeech #takesides #standupforchange #interfere
Love meets people where they are.
now is the time to be an ally.
if not us, who?
if not now, when?
#LGBTQIA #Queer #Gay #ProtectTransKids #StandWithTrans #StandWithLGBTQIA #BeAnAlly #BeAnAllyNotABystander #SitDownRiseUp #EngagedBuddhist #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #QueerArtist #GayArtist #LGBTQIAartist #BuddhistArtist #Artist #art #BuddhaArt #PrideArt
#lgbtqia #queer #gay #ProtectTransKids #standwithtrans #standwithlgbtqia #beanally #beanallynotabystander #sitdownriseup #engagedbuddhist #jinpalhaga #jmwart #queerartist #gayartist #lgbtqiaartist #buddhistartist #artist #art #buddhaart #prideart