Tonight I am going to share some of Dad's #Aviation photos. Dad served in the #Marines as an aviation mechanic and first started working on the beast of an attack plane the A-1 #Skyraider (more info in alt text, all photos circa mid/late 50s)
#aviation #marines #skyraider #photography #ironjawphotos #USMC
Maintenance on an AH-1 Skyraider, 'Lieutenant America'. The Skyraider was an incredibly versatile #aircraft, noted for its load-carrying abilities #VietnamWar #Skyraider #groundattack #SPAD #ViệtNam
#aircraft #vietnamwar #skyraider #groundattack #spad #việtnam
Me, exact same rocket, 42 years apart. #Estes #SkyRaider #OldRocketsStillFly
#oldrocketsstillfly #skyraider #Estes
Douglas AD-4NA Skyraider Walk Around
#douglas #skyraider #aircraft