osterholzsoli · @Osterholzsoli
227 followers · 676 posts · Server kolektiva.social


On 29.08.2023 I, Thomas Meyer-Falk, was released after almost 27 years in prison!

On 29.08.2023 the director of the SV (preventive detention) institution sent me the fax from the OLG (Higher Regional Court)The OLG had rejected the prosecution's appeal hours before.

Within 2 hours everything was packed, put into a prison van and driven to the solidarity project where I am allowed to live for the time being. The reception was very friendly and affectionate.

I also received many congratulations. It feels so good to finally be out of the prison world.

I thank all of you who have walked with me for so long!

Now I am going to the outside world. And I am looking forward to many things - especially to all the encounters.

Thomas Meyer-Falk, Freiburg


#freiburg #freedomforthomas #AnarchistPrisoner #solidarityweek

Last updated 1 year ago