flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 33 posts · Server mastodon.social

Another "session" with my ; it's starting to feel a bit like a Sisyphus project. Replaced the stereo headphone jack since it had come loose and it was due to the threaded bolt being plastic and all the threads basically disappearing. Replaced with a sturdy amphenol one. And then I discover that a few of the line input jacks are giving me trouble with the signal so I though I have to replace a few of those as well...


Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 32 posts · Server mastodon.social

"Real" work taking up a lot of my time and energy, but today I was able to spend some more time fault-searching my recording console. Eliminated a lot of hum from the AUX board, but a little bit remain. Maybe I will just live with it: I have to max out gain on both aux and main boards to hear it after all so in practice it should actually be fine; maybe I shouldn't be so pedantic. It's also only AUX3 (reverb) that really matter because the others are just for the cue mixes...


Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 28 posts · Server mastodon.social

Spent three hours in my studio working on my , unfortunately with little progress 😔 Two problems: 1) only one of the peak meters work (~+4dB over VU on a sine wave), the others show little to no difference to the VU meters. And 2) auxes that were silent before now has signal but there is ground loop hum in all three with the AUX volumes turned up past 14:00. Someone has worked on the AUX board before and I'm starting to wonder if it was to try to fix this problem, but failing...?


Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 26 posts · Server mastodon.social

After a short christmas break, back today and reworked all the remaining input channels with the "solo mod", pheew! 😁 Of course the 2x four subgroup channels remain but that's for another day!

#Soundcraft #soundcraft400

Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 25 posts · Server mastodon.social

Back to work on the solo modification: patched five more input channels so that's 13 down and 13 to go! Then decided to have a quick look on the AUX1 problem. Yep, it's a wiring problem alright, the harness connectors are a mess for the master and the first two subgroups, and there was a broken connection on the AUX1 line on the first subgroup. Fixed but now there is a hum on AUX1 that shouldn't be there, sigh...

#soundcraft400 #Soundcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 24 posts · Server mastodon.social

More work on the aux board today: this is a 1980 console and turns out the XLRs are wired the old american way with pin 3 hot and that was not a good match for my XLR->TS cables. So resoldered the cables and now AUX2 & 3 work but there is still a problem with AUX 1, specifically I suspect the bus from the input channels, maybe just a broken connection?


Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 23 posts · Server mastodon.social

Was going to mod more input channels today but wound up investigating a problem with the cue channel instead. Previous work has replaced the TDA1034 with TL071 in the filters, why...?


Last updated 2 years ago

flatlinr · @flatlinr
1 followers · 15 posts · Server mastodon.social

Today I patched 8 channels with my channel solo indicator mod. Only 18 + 4 to go!

#Soundcraft #soundcraft400

Last updated 2 years ago