Kotaku: Free-To-Play Shooter Shuts Down For Good Due To Cheaters https://kotaku.com/cycle-frontier-multiplayer-free-shooter-cheaters-1850591750 #gaming #tech #kotaku #cheatinginvideogames #escapefromtarkov #thecyclefrontier #yagerdevelopment #specopstheline #windowsgames #shootergame #fortunaiii #epicgames #specops #sports #yager
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #cheatinginvideogames #escapefromtarkov #thecyclefrontier #yagerdevelopment #specopstheline #windowsgames #shootergame #fortunaiii #epicgames #specops #sports #yager
I just finished Spec Ops: The Line game đ đ đ„ł
#specops #specopstheline #wargames #dubai
21: #FireEmblemRadiantDawn, but I really want to properly play #SpecOpsTheLine.
Honourable mentions to #TheStanleyParable, #TheBeginnersGuide , and everything by @christinelove because I love stories that exploit their media.
Also honourable mentions to #NinjaGaiden and #FireEmblemShadowDraginAndTheBladeOfLight for being #Japanese #NES games with actual narratives and plot twists plus strong, well written, complex female characters.
#fireemblemradiantdawn #specopstheline #TheStanleyParable #thebeginnersguide #ninjagaiden #fireemblemshadowdraginandthebladeoflight #japanese #nes
Wir haben Spiele wie #Bioshock und #SpecOpsTheLine, die unser Handeln reflektieren.
Wir haben Spiele wie #WhattheGolf, die Humor ĂŒber Spielmechaniken vermitteln.
Spiele von #DanielMullins wie #PonyIsland und #Inscryption stellen die Grenzen von ErzÀhlung und der vierten Wand in Games neu in Frage.
Spiele wie #CrusaderKings3 legen die Geschichten in die HĂ€nde ihrer Spieler*innen
Spiele mit prozeduralen System wie #DwarfFortress erzÀhlen fast nur noch systemisch.
All DAS ist ErzÀhlen in Games
#bioshock #specopstheline #whatthegolf #danielmullins #ponyisland #Inscryption #CrusaderKings3 #dwarffortress