My son @Cqrose is much more into cartoon style characters. He’s written a book similar to Tom Gates with all his own art work. #art #storywriter
At work:
* I'm a #ChildPsychologist running a therapy program for #kids under age 5.
* Clinical Interest Shortlist:
the therapeutic use of #RolePlayingGames
At rest:
* I play #BoardGames, #ttrpgs, #Zelda games, and #Guitar.
* I'm an aspirational #SongWriter, #StoryWriter.
* I can spend a whole day #reading and not feel bad about it.
Thanks for having me!
#introduction #childpsychologist #kids #childparentpsychotherapy #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy #neurodiversity #traumainformedsystems #communitymentalhealth #roleplayinggames #boardgames #ttrpgs #zelda #guitar #songwriter #storywriter #reading