I’m trying out Zed #CodeEditor lately as a replacement for #SublimeText and I think it’s great! Native and fast, with some smart workflow decisions (like editable multibuffer or temporarily expandable panels) and with Copilot/ChatGPT built in. I feel at ease and highly productive when I use it.
It doesn't yet support some of the languages I use at work (#Elm and #Fsharp), but #TypeScript and #Rust support is great.
And the docs are well written, check them out!
#Rust #typescript #fsharp #elm #sublimetext #codeeditor
@coolbutuseless #unhelpful advice I know, but that's one of the many reasons I use a proper code editor, #sublimetext, 99% of the time.
To be fair I used to code in #RStats / bash / groovy / python thus the need for a more general editor.
#unhelpful #sublimetext #RStats
Extreme lag while typing in ubuntu's terminal or text editor #commandline #vmware #sublimetext
#commandline #vmware #sublimetext
Package control plugin for #SublimeText throws exception on macOS Sonoma beta:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “…package_control/deps/oscrypto/_openssl/_libcrypto_ctypes.py", line 305, in <module>
AttributeError: dlsym(0x7ff90c2582a0, EVP_PKEY_size): symbol not found
Solution: `ln -sf /usr/local/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.1u/lib/libcrypto.dylib /usr/local/lib/`
via: https://github.com/wbond/package_control/issues/1612#issuecomment-1613811633
How to work efficiently, how to efficiently get things done, and how to make the team operate efficiently
Log View Viewer für macOS ???
Es ist keine wirkliche Freude auf einer Sophos Firewall die Logfiles durchzustöbern. Zum Glück gibt es dort aber die Möglichkeit, besagtes Logfile sich runterzuladen. Nun war ich auf der Suche nach einer App, mit der man größere Logfiles einigermassen angenehm durchsuchen und darstellen kann. Ich habe aus dem Mac AppStore die App "
#macOS #lnav #LogViewer #LogfileViewer #macOS #SublimeText
#sublimetext #logfileviewer #logviewer #lnav #macos
I really wanted to switch to #Nova as my default code editor, but that ain’t happening yet. For me, a text editor need to:
1. be fast
2. not crash
... and that’s why I’m back to #SublimeText.
@mikelech And BTW, #SublimeText (my personal undethronable king of coding and writing editors) has an inbuilt "Expand Selection to Scope" (C+S+Space), which does exactly what you are looking for :)
First one, sublime text https://www.sublimetext.com/ --> I gravitate towards tiny and snappy apps which are great at one thing and Sublime Text is such an app.
I use it for just quickly writing down ideas/todos/random notes and get on with what I was doing.
I also use it for keeping a work diary, in one text file. This is ok for project time tracking (remembering what you did) but great for knowing where I left off the day before or what I should start with the next day.
#sublimetext #notes #diary
@uncomfyhalomacro I've just tried #helix and my initial impression is good. LSP in Julia working really out of the box, space view, help system. I will not probably abandon my workhorse - #SublimeText, but helix made much better first impression on me than #neovim.
@amberxorluci consider #VScodium with a #diff plugin?
Otherwise, #SublimeText may be worth it's money....
Python Coding #vscode #sublimetext #pycharm #programming #coding #code #codinglife #codingninja https://youtube.com/shorts/fxQrAPrffnI?feature=share
#vscode #sublimetext #pycharm #programming #coding #code #codinglife #codingninja
@DJDarren @tigerfort my personal workflow is #markdown in #SublimeText via #pandoc to docx
Consistent formatting even if you change the (source) document
#markdown #sublimetext #pandoc
This looks promising
could this replace pandoc?
My current workflow is sublime -> pandoc, or obsidian -> pandoc (if it is part of my projects
Obviously the need for sublime -> pandoc -> powerpoint remains
#sublimetext #pandoc #obsidian #docx #pptx #writage
Ahh the joys of having contributed. I have a package for #VHDL for #SublimeText that I wrote years ago. It mimicked many of the #Emacs vhdl-mode abilities. It was fairly well received (11k users last I checked).
I haven't used Sublime for a while having moved back to Emacs, but still there's pull requests from time to time and then I have to remind myself of how it all works.
Also the joys of trying to lex a language like VHDL. The last issue:
The `is` in the `block` statement is technically optional, however `block` has parenthetical guard statements that come between `block` and `is`. Then after `is` there is a declarative set of statements and then `begin` starts the body region. So while optional I still need `is` as a delimeter between guard statements and declarative statements!
A concept of "saving a file" shouldn't exist these days.
We have invented local history, temp files, version control. Why do text (or any other) editors keep asking me if I want to save a file? Just be a little bit helpful, like #SublimeText for example.
Wie ich meine #Errorlogs via
#SublimeText und einer #RegEx aufbereite habe ich mal in einem neuen Blogbeitrag aufgeschrieben:
Wie bereitet ihr Logdateien auf? Editor? Spezielle Tools? Was vom Betriebssystem?
#errorlogs #sublimetext #regex
Where's the logic of using flatpak to install and upgrade sublimetext, if sublimetext keeps opening a windows saying that I have a newer version to download?
I checked, and I have the most recent build installed. But still.