Hmm... Bericht über die "Große Schlager-Strandparty 2023" im Fernsehn (warte auf die Sportschau) und ich hab fast aus lauter Defätismus meinen Charakter in #TalesOfMayEjal in den Tot gespielt, quasi stellvertretend für mein eigenes Elend.
In CRPG news, I got the #roguelike #talesofmayejal in the Steam sale after playing the free version on and off for years. My level 6 elven archer Elmaril got pummelled in a gloomy mushroom forest by a cursed wolf called The Withered Thing and his pack of various animals. RIP Elmaril.
I love roguelikes!
Just more #TalesOfMayEjal and it's great :)
I might even BEAT the damn thing some day. :)
#TalesOfMayEjal as a computer game. Addictive as hell, premiere rogue-like.
Rereading #WheelOfTime. Yes, Jordan's writing is lengthy at times, stricter editing could have shaved off a book or two. But it's also excellent.
Walks or bike trips while using #StreetComplete to improve #OpenStreetMap data.
Solo adventures. I translated #Cthulhu 'Alone against the frost' for #Pegasus and it captures the feel of the 'full' RP well.
#talesofmayejal #wheeloftime #streetcomplete #openstreetmap #cthulhu #pegasus
@Le_bottin_des_jeux_linux @Moonmoth
Seitdem ich #TalesOfMayEjal richtig "verstanden" habe, bin ich vermutlich für alle anderen #RogueLike verloren. ;)
Aber schön, dass sich jemand um einen solchen Klassiker bemüht.
As for video games:
I'm currently sinking most of my spare time into
My favorite rogue-like, soooo full of stuff to do, highly diverse characters to play, lore to discover. Definitively worth a look.
There is SOO much fun stuff in #TalesOfMayEjal
Seriously, I might never play anything else. If you haven't already, give it a look. It's free.
#talesofmayejal #roguelikegames