Ramiro & Sons was an Alameda mainstay since 1985. Now it has a new name, but when Liz Barrett went to the opening on Saturday, she found that the new owners made sure nothing else has changed at Taqueria Mi Burrito.
#Alameda #Opening #Tradition #JuanGarcia #RosieGarcia #AlamedaAvenue #TaqueriaMiBurrito #TaqueriaRamiro&Sons
#alameda #opening #tradition #juangarcia #rosiegarcia #alamedaavenue #taqueriamiburrito #taqueriaramiro
The former taqueria Ramiro and Sons on Alameda Avenue is reopening on Saturday under the guidance of longtime manager—now owner—Juan Garcia, featuring the same beloved menu the location has had since 1985.
#Alameda #Taqueria #Restaurants #RamiroAndSons #TaqueriaMiBurrito
#alameda #taqueria #restaurants #ramiroandsons #taqueriamiburrito