About to have some amulets up for grabs. A few by the legendary Ajarn Best, a mala by LP Simpalee, Phor Nan Sala Tan's 5 lady ghosts, some heavy duty Khmer Prai, and a few others beauties.
Fave the shop: https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/shop/Numinauts?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
#thaioccult #thaiamulets #khmeroccult #magic #thaitalismans #buddhistmagic #thaibuddhism
#thaioccult #thaiamulets #khmeroccult #magic #thaitalismans #buddhistmagic #thaibuddhism
@xand Did ya say #ThaiBuddhism I knows it. sitting still and shit … I can do that … Om #ManiMastodons Peme Hum Hrih and stuff like that … wait just gonna get my beads … I feel calm enough to breath now :hearthands: :ablobwave: :success: :blobcatfluffpats: