Come learn great #epilepsy and #therapeutics discovery in the beautiful Mountain West!
People do not understand that our healthcare system is not prepared to treat #LongCovid
Not prepared in terms of #Research #Therapeutics or #Resources
#MaskUp or you could soon be echoing the question:
Long COVID is debilitating to me and 65 million other people. Where is the urgency to treat it?
#healthcare #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #MaskUp #resources #therapeutics #research #LongCovid
Darpa Seeking On-Demand, Distributed Production of Proteins
A synthetic biology company is receiving a contract with the U.S. advanced defense research agency to devise a high-speed localized process for making therapeutic proteins.
#News #Press #Science #Business #SyntheticBiology #ComputationalBiology #Biotechnology #ProteinSynthesis #DoD #DefenseDepartment #Darpa #Manufacturing #Therapeutics #Collaboration
#News #press #science #business #syntheticbiology #computationalbiology #biotechnology #proteinsynthesis #dod #defensedepartment #darpa #manufacturing #therapeutics #collaboration
Today's TTRPGkids article is an interview with Jack Berkenstock from The Bodhana Group!
We talk about topics ranging from how The Bodhana Group started to therapeutic TTRPG use to turning NPC George Wendt into a mage!
I hope it helps you gain some insights both about therapeutic TTRPGs and what The Bodhana Group is all about! Thank you Jack for taking the time to chat on this!
Check it out here!
#ttrpgkids #interview #therapeutics #ttrpg #dndkids
TTRPGkids helped set up a panel with Maryanne Cullinan, @meganpsyd, The Bodhana Group, and Young Dragonslayers to talk about TTRPGs and therapeutics at Origins Game Fair!
Sign up before spots run out, and let us know if you'll be there!
#ttrpgkids #OriginsGameFair #panel #ttrpg #therapeutics
The latest article on TTRPGkids is an interview with @meganpsyd!
She is SUPER involved in applied TTRPGs from her practice to podcasts to her book and more... and she shares her XP in today's post.
Check it out below, and thank you Dr. Connell for the interview!
#ttrpgkids #ttrpg #therapeutics #DnD #dndkids
RT @CRalphNearman
Oh my goodness this podcast was SO great @CheriLev and makes me that much more proud to work with such a great team @uofleatlab developing #digital #therapeutics toward personalizing and extinguishing #eatingdisorders
#digital #therapeutics #eatingdisorders
RT @UCLATDG: #Deadlines are quickly approaching
Enter #LABEST2023 #PearlCohen Poster Competition by May 4
and @UCLA Researchers send in your applications for #innovationfund by May 8 in both #therapeutics and #medtech tracks up to $150K
#deadlines #labest2023 #pearlcohen #innovationfund #therapeutics #medtech
of_aic: How did the management and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 evolve during the French pandemic?
#COVID19 #Mortality #Therapeutics #AIC #FICS #SRLF
#COVID19 #mortality #therapeutics #aic #fics #srlf
ACMG publishes its first ACMG Therapeutics Bulletin – a new source of info on therapeutic agents for genetic conditions: “Vosoritide approved for treatment of linear growth in pediatric patients with achondroplasia”: #Therapeutics #achondroplasia
TL;DR - Therapeutic antibody parents should include the antibody amino acid sequence.
“The amino acid sequence is the recipe.”
#biologicals #therapeutics #biotechnology
RT @CRalphNearman
Getting super excited to be in #DC to present our #eatingdisorder #research & #therapeutics on 3 symposiums #APS @PsychScience Present 3 talks & a poster @aed_iced #ICED2023 Then present #SAA2023 in #Amsterdam #WhyWeStudyEDs @uofleatlab @UofLInnovate @IntJEatDisord
#dc #eatingdisorder #research #therapeutics #aps #iced2023 #saa2023 #amsterdam #whywestudyeds
This is pretty dope.
An anti-HER2 biparatopic antibody that induces unique HER2 clustering and complement-dependent cytotoxicity | Nature Communications
#Science #Cancer #Therapeutics
#Science #cancer #therapeutics #biologicals
RT @krutikakuppalli
The ⬆️ in #AvianInfluenza globally raises concerns that mutations may occur leading to spread among humans. We must prepare by
1. Improving surveillance
2. Developing better tests
3. Investing into R&D for better #vaccines & #therapeutics
4. Ensuring global equity for all MCMs
#avianinfluenza #vaccines #therapeutics
Just released: Parasymphathetic Agents (Agonist & Antagonist) Cheat Sheet by chautommy93
Download it free at
Here's their description of it: Summary of Parasympathetic Nervous System of ANS
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #therapeutics
#Antibody-drug conjugates to treat bacterial #biofilms | bioRxiv
#amr #therapeutics
#therapeutics #AMR #biofilms #antibody
I am pleased to announce 🤩 🤓 that our paper led by prof. Jolanta Małyszko has been published in Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. 👌
📑 Kidney and lipids: novel potential therapeutic targets for dyslipidemia in kidney disease?
✳️ ✳️
#nephrology #kidneydisease #lipids #dyslipidemia #therapeutics
#Nephrology #kidneydisease #lipids #dyslipidemia #therapeutics
Some #FoodForThought from the #researchpaper linked above💡💡💡
“Importantly, in my view, the term ‘genetically similar to’ also helps to avoid the assumption of homogeneity within labels; ‘similar to’ does not imply ‘same as’. Similarity-based sample descriptors also move us some way to acknowledging the continuous nature of #geneticvariation across #humangroups in our sample descriptions. I am more genetically similar to some samples than I am to others, but that does not imply that there are natural groupings. Nor do similarity-based labels imply how I, as an individual, might choose to identify or what distribution of environments I might experience. For example, a person may be genetically similar to 1000 #Genomes samples labeled Southern Asian, yet in itself this similarity does not identify them as Southern Asian, whereas stating that a person has ‘Southern Asian #geneticancestry ’ comes much closer to making that linkage in people’s minds.
Working out the #genealogicalhistory of individuals and of groups of people from around the world is a fascinating area of research, but it should not be the day job of the majority of researchers in the field of #humangenetics , who instead need accurate sample descriptors of current day #geneticdiversity that aid clear communication.”
Adding colour to #discourse with this screenshot attachment and link. Extraordinary future ahead in the field of human genetics and #humanidentity, in general. #TheLancet #AmbroiseWonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticvariation #geneticmedicine #MckusickNathansInstituteofGeneticMedicine
#1000genomesproject #GhanaianGenome #OforiAcquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria
#SarsCoV2 #researchgate
#geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #treatments #ancientdna #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #humangenetics #biomedicine #biomed #racialidentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
#foodforthought #researchpaper #geneticvariation #humangroups #genomes #geneticancestry #genealogicalhistory #humangenetics #GeneticDiversity #discourse #humanidentity #thelancet #ambroisewonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticmedicine #mckusicknathansinstituteofgeneticmedicine #africangenomevariationproject #1000genomesproject #ghanaiangenome #oforiacquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria #SarsCoV2 #researchgate #geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #Treatments #AncientDNA #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #biomedicine #biomed #RacialIdentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
#nowPlaying jon hopkins – music for psychedelic therapy
#ambientMusic #ambient #jonHopkins #psychedelics #therapeutics
#therapeutics #psychedelics #jonhopkins #ambient #ambientmusic #nowplaying