Rachel · @RachelA
79 followers · 306 posts · Server mastodon.online

on this day of darkness
ushering more sunlight
to the world,
for goodness,
and humanity.
blessings of the winter solstice.
for there is no light
without darkness.

#photography #iceland #thermalhotsprings #Geysir #shinethelight #wintersolstice

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel · @RachelA
93 followers · 397 posts · Server mastodon.online

on this day of darkness
ushering more sunlight
to the world,
for goodness,
and humanity.
blessings of the winter solstice.
for there is no light
without darkness.

#photography #iceland #thermalhotsprings #Geysir #shinethelight #wintersolstice

Last updated 2 years ago