Yorkshire didn't carry OSM because Yorkshire, but we could get a fuzzy Tyne Tees, which did, so I saw a lot of these performances through an electronic (and often alcohol inducedl) fog.
#OldBritishTelly #theweddingpresent
#Wildhoney #DJShadow #ExCops #JagwarMa #JimiGoodwin #PJHarvey #TheBlackRyder #TheWalkmen #TheWeddingPresent #AhKosmos #IceChoir #Iceage #LordHuron #TheBlankTapes #TheMilkCartonKids #MilkCartonKids #TimBuckley #HidekiSakomizu #TheMonochromeSet #Balthazar #Pavement #TheAutumns #LindaPerhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #JAMC #Múm #Mum #CateLeBon #NeonIndian #UlrichSchnauss #BetaBand #Wire #PinkFloyd #KikagakuMoyo #NickDrake #Squarepusher #BritishSeaPower #Modeselektor
#wildhoney #DJShadow #excops #jagwarma #jimigoodwin #PJHarvey #theblackryder #thewalkmen #theweddingpresent #ahkosmos #icechoir #IceAge #lordhuron #theblanktapes #themilkcartonkids #milkcartonkids #timbuckley #hidekisakomizu #themonochromeset #balthazar #pavement #theautumns #lindaperhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #jamc #mum #catelebon #neonindian #ulrichschnauss #betaband #wire #PinkFloyd #kikagakumoyo #Nickdrake #squarepusher #britishseapower #modeselektor
Today's procrastination involved flipping through a #TheDandy annual from 1974. I've now got a #TheWeddingPresent earworm.
The Wedding Present / EURALILLE - FRANCE / 21.9.2018
#music #musique #theweddingpresent