Frage. Wie viele werden sich ins Fäustchen lachen und sich darüber freuen den Staat und alle #Steuerzahler mit krimineller Energie hintergangen zu haben?
Ich bin Steuerzahler.
Ich wurde auch betrogen!
Ich verachte dieses System!
#CumEx #Justiz #Steuerskandal #Steuern #banken #spd #merkel #cdu #Scholz #fdp #Lindner #grüne #dielinke #noafd
#tipoftheiceberg #steuerzahler #cumex #justiz #steuerskandal #Steuern #Banken #spd #merkel #CDU #scholz #fdp #lindner #grune #dielinke #noafd
Every State every county Nationwide!!! Guaranteed
Every state every county Nationwide!!! Guaranteed
FAA proposes more than $1 million fine on United Airlines over failure of pre-flight safety checks
Hillsong founder left 'speechless' by father's sexual abuse of boy, court told.
Perfectly reasonable first response. It’s what comes after that makes him guilty and complicit. #HouseOfCards #TipOfTheIceberg
#houseofcards #tipoftheiceberg
A child experiencing a mental health crisis, had to live in a police station for two days; no psychiatric places were available.
Chief Constable, Sir David Thompson said his force is understaffed and underfunded after cuts.
He condemned austerity for hitting the poorest areas hardest, and warned of rising crime as desperation increases.
#TipOfTheIceberg #ExtremePoverty #PublicServices #UNSustainableDevelopmentGoals
#tipoftheiceberg #extremepoverty #publicservices #unsustainabledevelopmentgoals