Like printing trade cards now and then, this remains my favorite. Leveraging Latin to create a book blessing and curse. #latin #bookcurses #bookblessing #tradecards #letterpress
#latin #bookcurses #bookblessing #tradecards #letterpress
Trade Card for Leader sewing machines, Hutchinson & Co., Illinois, ca. 1890.
Thanks to Dick Sheaff for leading us to this one. Read about his huge collection of ephemera coming to the Archive:
#19thCentury #1890s #TradeCards #GraphicDesign #Ephemera #Lettering #Typography
#19thcentury #1890s #tradecards #graphicdesign #ephemera #lettering #typography
New drawing of “Bravo! The Pet of the Nine”— an 1880s trade card promoting Merchant’s Gargling Oil for flesh wounds, toothaches, chapped hands, hemorrhoids, and other ailments. (The original is the oldest card I have in my collection.)
#baseballcards #tradecards #garglingoil #cardart
Self-described "Paper fetishsts" are my kind of people.
#ephemera #tradecards #broadsides #catalogs #handbills #sheetmusic #books #maps #postcards #programs #engravings #valentines #lithographs #photos #illustration
#ephemera #tradecards #broadsides #Catalogs #handbills #sheetmusic #books #maps #postcards #programs #engravings #valentines #lithographs #photos #illustration