Wyatt whines about the Traitors NZ episode 2.
Listen Here https://tinyurl.com/Traitors-NZ-2 or Search Reality Daily on iTunes/Spotify.
#thetraitors #thetraitorsnz #realitytv #realitytvpodcast #bb25 #traitorsau #traitorsuk #traitorsusa #traitorscanada
#traitorscanada #traitorsusa #traitorsuk #traitorsau #bb25 #realitytvpodcast #realitytv #thetraitorsnz #thetraitors
#TraitorsUK vs #TraitorsUSA is a contrast. A different production direction approach but more noticeable are the kinds of people in the US version. More combative, loud, game playing from the off. And Alan Cumming hamming it up as an evil Scottish laird. Much preferred Claudia even tho ive a lot of time for Alan. Sticking with it tho. This should be pretty fiery stuff!
Imagining the players in The Traitors UK watching The Traitors US making all the same mistakes and shaking their heads wryly...
#TheTraitors #TheTraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUSA #TraitorsUS #TraitorsUSA #PeopleAreUsingTooManyVariantsOfTheSameBasicHashtag
#thetraitors #thetraitorsus #thetraitorsusa #traitorsus #traitorsusa #peopleareusingtoomanyvariantsofthesamebasichashtag
That groundskeeper/retainer with the massive ginger beard is basically Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons. Whyyyyyyy. Is that what America thinks Scotland is like? #Traitors #TraitorsUSA
What do people think of the casting compared to the UK version? There are a bunch of reality celebrities in there and it is less diverse. Not sure that I like any of the contestants after the first episode but that wil probably change.
Bizarrely for a Scottish man Alan Cummings sounds like a man doing a very poor impression of a Scottish accent on #TraitorsUSA
Watching #TraitorsUSA one of the contestants has just declared "Sherlock Holmes was my Great-Great Grandfather's Cousin" with a completely straight face.