@gmusser At least for the fishing, the US government could easily do the same as the UK did for some of her oversea territories: create huge Marine Protected Areas around them like they did for #Ascension and #Tristandacunha. The US could easily prohibit/limit foreign fishing within their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). And unlike the UK, the US would probably be able to enforce these regulations easily - especially around their military bases like #Guam.
#guam #tristandacunha #ascension
Tristan da Cunha: The utopia that worked
When I was a teenage frequenter of espresso bars the arguments about 'anarchy - would it work' enlivened the wait for the bus home from school. I held my ground - 'yes it would' - till that bloody film Lord of the Flies came out. Then I was subject to derision and the glee
#Anarchism #bartereconomy #moneylesssociety #theidler #THEUTOPIATHATWORKED #TristandaCunha #utopia
#anarchism #bartereconomy #MoneylessSociety #theidler #theutopiathatworked #tristandacunha #utopia
Have you, too, discovered the lovely, utterly chatming thing that is #asstodon
I have just been introduced and may be gone some time, trying to find my photos of donkeys taken in the #UKOT - in the meantime, here is a link to news about them on #TristanDaCunha https://tristandc.com/farming-2016-01-04-donkeys.php
#asstodon #ukot #tristandacunha
⚽ Empezamos los #HilosDeFútbol viajando lejos, lo más lejos posible, a un sitio conocido como el lugar habitado más inaccesible del planeta.
Tristan Da Cunha, el lugar del que hablaremos hoy, también ha sucumbido, en la medida de sus posibilidades, al #fútbol, pero es mejor no adelantarse y empezar con un vídeo del canal de Youtube "Un mundo inmenso", el cual sirve de carta de presentación a #TristanDaCunha.
#hilosdefutbol #futbol #tristandacunha