Ned Blackhawk’s Rediscovery Challenges the Old Stories of America
A new book shines a light on how Indigenous nations resisted—and shaped—settler society in the US.
#truehistory #indigenous #resistance #culture #US #settler #society
#truehistory #indigenous #resistance #culture #us #settler #society
@bullivant when the Beatles learnt English before going to America in 1964, it became very fashionable. English is now the main language in England, although there are pockets where Fromish is occasionally still spoken. #trueHistory
Actual photo of Gen. George Washington annihilating red coat zombies. #TrueHistory
Important story about our terrible history of enslavement.
#charleston #ushistory #truehistory #History #enslaved #BlackMastodon
ich konnte das rätsel um den antiken beton, aus dem unter anderem das pantheon in rom errichtet wurde, experimentell lösen!
es ist #porridge!
No sé si has treballat amb ell, si fos així, a la primera reunió on tu no hi estiguessis, preguntaria si algú ja t'ha follat.
Existeix a Barcelona i Madrid una empresa de selecció que es diu Malthus Darwin. Diuen les males llengües que si no ets seleccionat, reps un tractament especial amb Zyklon B.
Florida teacher: Rosa Parks was ordered to sit in the back of the bus.
Student: Why?
Teacher: We're not allowed to tell you. But that act of defiance led to a movement for equal rights.
Student: Rights for whom?
Teacher: We're not allowed to tell you.
#RosaParks #Florida #DeSantis #TrueHistory #history #Education
A publisher removed references to Rosa Parks' race in a draft of its textbook to comply with Florida's laws, NYT reports
#rosaparks #florida #desantis #truehistory #history #education
Just started Matthew Cooke's new podcast and it's amazing, of course.
#constitution #truehistory #Podcasts
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Florida #TrueHistory #Guns #Books
Breaking New:
No students died from reading books today .
No students died from mass screw ins .
Regulating Vaginas & Community Owned Wombs, abnormal Republican sexual practices born of ignorance, dominance , a gun fetish, bigotry and the state religion's laws are killing kids .
#cdnpoli #uspoli #florida #truehistory #guns #books
#fakepatriots #theconconservatives #rewritinghistory #FloridaNazis #censorship #blackhistory #truehistory
Conservatives Say They Love America. So Why Are They So Scared Of Its History?
#fakepatriots #theconconservatives #RewritingHistory #floridanazis #censorship #blackhistory #truehistory
Der Film ist ein starkes Stück, heftig, dreckig
#TrueHistory of the #KellyGang macht keine Gefangenen und erzählt ein wirklich brutale, stilisierte Familiengeschichte in einer unbezwingbaren leidvollen Lage
Der Film ist ein starkes Stück, heftig, dreckig
#TrueHistory of the #KellyGang macht keine Gefangenen und erzählt ein wirklich brutale, stilisierte Familiengeschichte in einer unbezwingbaren leidvollen Lage
también se suelen meter entre la ropa o incluso en los bolsillos...
Mujer de Paco, alegaciones