@sirseatsitter @TinyHouse4Life can he do a twofer with the zuck n @adam?
Now THATS a show I'd give #twosats to see.
@Johnmccabe thank you John.
For my #twosats on worry I take it as a slight and a personal attack from lucifer.
Worry is in direct conflict with faith.
And my faith in #ElElyon and that #everythingwillbealrightintheend is as unshakable as my love is for you, my #QoK and everyone else in our World.
Thank you for your kind words though. The support I receive from #NAS and the #Fediverse is a testament to the fact that this little corner of t'internet is #thebestthinktankintheuniverse
#nas #fediverse #thebestthinktankintheuniverse #twosats #ElElyon #everythingwillbealrightintheend #QoK