Kristian Harstad · @KristianHarstad
521 followers · 1601 posts · Server

easy way to find out who has - you:

two windows up. One with your list on it, the other with your up in it.

If you have notifications for on, you will get an email when someone you.

You can search for those emails and get a chronological list of followers. You then compare. Anyone who you will be on your email list but not your mastodon list.

Search emails for: 'from:noreply mastodon "is now following you" '

#emails #unfollows #follow #mastodon #follower #unfollowed #email #followers #follows

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter O'Brien (he/him) · @Pjobphd
229 followers · 164 posts · Server

Has the always limited the number of per day? This is going to take a while...

#twittermigration #throttled #accountscrub #unfollows #fowlsite

Last updated 2 years ago

damian wayling · @klapka
42 followers · 102 posts · Server

in the spirit of sharing: now i've added 'tw*tter' and 'm*sk' to my filters list - they are actually my entire filters list - everything's a lot calmer.

considered adding 'tr*mp' also, but the oaf just declared he was running for pres so i want to follow the fallout.

and i've unfollowed a few of the bigger names because they were too ubiquitous (is that a tautology?)

also, i find i sometimes follow people solely because i like their 'voice' on here.

#filters #unfollows

Last updated 2 years ago