UKRIO · @ukrio
362 followers · 250 posts · Server

Our Chief Executive James Parry presented on an expert panel discussing the priorities for enhancing and embedding a culture of research integrity in universities.

You can watch the panel at

James Parry's section begins at 8:24.

#universityofstrathclyde #researchintegrity #ResearchCulture

Last updated 2 years ago

Opening salvo for 2023 - I started this journey surrendering everything to the universe.

May this year be kinder to all.

To myself: Don't be afraid to explore. If it does not work for the 1st time, do it again. Persistence is rewarding; and yes, liberating!

#2023 -love

#scotland #inspiration #self #education #universityofstrathclyde #justwrite #edutooter #phd #strathedu

Last updated 2 years ago

While reflecting on the week that has passed, I continue to be amazed by how life has brought me to , study and work in its amazing universities and , meet its warm-hearted people, and build a dream I only once imagined. Thank you, universe!

#scotland #reflections #education #edutooter #universityofglasgow #universityofstrathclyde #glasgow

Last updated 2 years ago

I presented at the doctoral showcase while daytripping in Inverness (Thank you, for the free ticket!). If listening to the inspiring & projects whilst communing w/ nature is not blissful, then I don't know what else to describe it!

#research #philippines #scotland #education #edutooter #universityofstrathclyde #hassgradschool #edd #phd #scottishcitylink #strathedu

Last updated 2 years ago

I presented at the doctoral showcase while daytripping in Inverness (Thank you, for the free ticket!). If listening to the inspiring & projects whilst communing w/ nature is not blissful, then I don't know what else to describe it!

#research #philippines #scotland #education #edutooter #universityofstrathclyde #hassgradschool #edd #phd #scottishcitylink #strathedu

Last updated 2 years ago

I presented at the doctoral showcase while daytripping in Inverness (Thank you, for the free ticket!). If listening to the inspiring & projects whilst communing w/ nature is not blissful, then I don't know what else to describe it!

#research #philippines #scotland #education #edutooter #universityofstrathclyde #hassgradschool #edd #phd #scottishcitylink #strathedu

Last updated 2 years ago

covered in fog last night. Breathtaking. Majestic. Spectacular.

is indeed one of the best student cities in the world. I am indeed blessed to be here and be a part of and @UofGlasgow communities!

#scotland #blessed #grateful #universityofstrathclyde #edutooter #glasgow #universityofglasgow

Last updated 2 years ago

David · @DavidSLT2B
5 followers · 5 posts · Server

- hello! I’m David and I’m a third year at the . I’ve made this account to keep up with the and community and continue to document my learning experiences since a lot of people are leaving Twitter.

#introduction #speechandlanguagetherapy #student #universityofstrathclyde #slt #SLT2B

Last updated 2 years ago

My for the
Doctoral School's Legacy Event last week. I used my scarf and printed my note cards that I can reuse.

Time to by minimising my carbon footprint even in research posters!

#scotland #glasgow #strathedu #hass #hassgradschool #phd #phdlife #decolonise #pink #cop27 #universityofstrathclyde #poster #research

Last updated 2 years ago