Výborná aplikace #YTDLnis pro stahování videí/audia z různých služeb je nově dostupná i v #Uptodown. ☺️
👉 Článek o aplikaci: https://infoek.cz/ytdlnis-umi-stahovat-videa-z-vice-nez-1000-sluzeb-2023/
👉 Uptodown link: https://ytdlnis.en.uptodown.com/android/download
#ytdlnis #uptodown #opensource #opensourcesoftware #mobilnoaplikace #android
I have that problem with installing applications from #uptodown: I cannot install from the app, but can downlooad an APK and install it.
So, if your problem is that you have a #xiaomi device, mayber the solution can be found in the following link:
Cool! I've downloaded and installed #moovit from #uptodown app store. Their site in English us https://en.uptodown.com
To install their #appstore, search 'uptodown app store". Download and install the APK if you download from a browser.
That's neat! If you wanted an app, why would you have to go through #google?
#moovit #uptodown #appstore #google #degoogling