Fassade in #Heidelberg
#Hausfassade #fassade #mural #painting #paintings #urban #urbanculture #schindelbeck #fotografie #schindelbeckfotografie
#schindelbeckfotografie #fotografie #schindelbeck #urbanculture #urban #paintings #painting #mural #Fassade #Hausfassade #heidelberg
Paintday at NDSM wharf Amsterdam
#NDSM #amsterdam #dutchgraffiti #amsterdamgraffiti #goshgraffiti #mrfingerspitzen #urbanculture
#urbanculture #mrfingerspitzen #goshgraffiti #amsterdamgraffiti #dutchgraffiti #amsterdam #NDSM
Re-Visit #famOS ! Die ARD-Sendung „#UrbanArt : Wem gehört die Stadt?“ berichtet über das mit Unterstützung unserer grünen Ratsfraktion durch die Stadt #Osnabrück mit 50.000 € geförderte #famOSFestival (Folge 2 ab 8:42). #muralart #graffitiart #streetart #urbanculture #mural https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/urban-art-wem-gehoert-die-stadt/folge-2-re-new-zwischen-alltagskultur-und-ausstellungen-s01-e02/ard-kultur/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9iZWl0cmFnL2Ntcy83Y2Q1NzgwZi1mOGY0LTQyY2MtOGVmZi01ZmI1YjkxZjM5YTc
#famos #urbanart #osnabruck #famosfestival #muralart #graffitiart #streetart #urbanculture #mural
#UrbanPlanning & #Architecture scholar and activist. Working on #SpatialJustice #CommunityPlanning #RadicalPlanning #FeministPlanning studying #Housing #Right2Housing #Displacement #Gentrification #UrbanCulture #Subculture
I also play #bass & vox in #punk band Bad Missionary (and new band coming soon).
#introduction #UrbanPlanning #architecture #spatialjustice #communityplanning #radicalplanning #feministplanning #housing #right2housing #displacement #gentrification #urbanculture #subculture #bass #punk #ottawa #ottcity #delaella
Thanks for the initiative, @BenjaminFeyen, and looking forward to the exchange! I'm working for the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and there for the unit on #urbanculture, #libraries and #European #culturalaffairs. In Berlin, I'm coordinating an action in the #urbanagenda to strengthen #publiclibraries, other decentralized #culturalinstitutions and #thirdplaces at the European level. The #ERDF funding for Berlin's cultural sector is my field of work as well. #CultPolEU
#cultpoleu #ERDF #thirdplaces #culturalinstitutions #publiclibraries #urbanagenda #culturalaffairs #european #libraries #urbanculture
Im brand-spanking new to this space and Im following the instructions of another re: how to connect w groups of interest, on this platform...hashtags you say?
#BlackTwitter #SocialJustice #HumanRights #BlackMastadon #HousingRights #Fashion #Comedy #BlackWriters #YouthJustice #YouthAdvocacy #YouthSpaces #UrbanArt #UrbanCulture #African #Caribbean #Toronto #Astrology #Moon #Education #Settlement #Newcomers
#BlackTwitter #socialjustice #humanrights #BlackMastadon #housingrights #fashion #comedy #blackwriters #youthjustice #youthadvocacy #youthspaces #urbanart #urbanculture #African #caribbean #toronto #astrology #moon #education #Settlement #newcomers
#neuhier, daher kurze Vorstellung:
- ich bin in Deutschland aufgewachsen und lebe seit 7+ Jahren in der Schweiz, davon die meiste Zeit in Genf (#teamromandie)
- tagsüber arbeite ich im Bereich "all things data" bei einem Konzern, am liebsten mit #rstats
- in meiner Freizeit trinke ich Kaffee, backe Brot 🥖 und schreibe ein Foodblog zum Thema klimafreundlicheres Kochen 🥕
- ansonsten interessiert an #klimakrise 🌍 , #running 🏃♂️ , den bergen 🏔️ , #postkarten, #kunst, alten karten und #urbanculture
#neuhier #teamromandie #rstats #Klimakrise #running #postkarten #kunst #urbanculture