Avis à tous les francophones: #DroleDeGenre avec #VictoriaAbril & #LionnelAstier est une pièce #transphobe. À éviter si vous avez une âme/êtes capable de compassion envers un être humain.
Je suis trop énervé ce soir pour faire une analyse ou poster plus d'explications, mais cette pièce se vend comme montrant les "deux côtés" de 1. la personne trans et 2. ceux qui l'apprennent, mais tout ce qui est dit par les deux côtés (à quelques rares exceptions près) joue dans la rhétorique transphobe.
#droledegenre #victoriaabril #lionnelastier #transphobe
38 years ago:
Our Father (ES)
Original title: Padre nuestro
The story of a Spanish Cardinal who is told he only has one more year to live. He decides to return to his hometown, after an absence of 30 years, to sort out his affairs.
#OurFather #FernandoRey #FranciscoRabal #VictoriaAbril #ClassicFilm
#ourfather #fernandorey #franciscorabal #victoriaabril #classicfilm
39 years ago:
L'Addition (FR)
For having wanted to defend a young girl accused of theft, a comedian finds himself in prison. Embarked in spite of himself in an escape attempt, he is condemned by a particularly incompetent court which follows without thinking the pleadings of an overzealous public prosecutor! Once incarcerated, t...
#LAddition #RichardBerry #RichardBohringer #VictoriaAbril #ClassicMovies
#laddition #richardberry #richardbohringer #victoriaabril #classicmovies
46 years ago:
Change of Sex (ES)
Original title: Cambio de sexo
José Maria is a seventeen year old boy; his father is a successful restaurant owner in a town some distance from Barcelona, in Spain. The boy is intelligent and sensitive, but his mannerisms and habits, and lack of masculine drive, lead him to get bullied at school. The school principal decides that...
#ChangeofSex #VictoriaAbril #BibianaFernández #Film
#changeofsex #victoriaabril #bibianafernandez #film
¿Sabías que Almódovar trabajó en Telefónica antes de dirigir? Le dedicamos un especial donde repasamos la importancia del teléfono en su cine!
#cineespañol #almodóvar #teléfonos #spanishcinema #carmenmaura #victoriaabril #lavozhumana #historiacine #lavozhumana #animation #educlip
#cineespanol #almodovar #telefonos #spanishcinema #carmenmaura #victoriaabril #lavozhumana #historiacine #animation #educlip