I am so pleased with myself rn. I figured out how to send patches to my 1990s Wavestation SR via MIDI/SysEx from my Mac. I had to restore the factory RAM banks because the previous owner overwrote them with copies of three of the the ROM banks (probably because the internal battery died and the RAM was wiped). It’s the little things. 😁

#sysexlibrarian #korg #wavestationsr #vintagesynth #vintagesynthesizer #midi #sysex

Last updated 2 years ago

Jepyang · @jepyang
50 followers · 279 posts · Server wandering.shop

@Jyoti favorite : probably? It sounds great, it can do simple or complex, and it’s got some interesting design decisions that set it apart from similar synths

Favorite : might be cheating because it’s DIY only and existed for fifteen years now, but . It’s got 8 SID chips for four stereo voice, a knobby interface, and an absurdly powerful mod matrix. What’s not to love?!

#vintagesynthesizer #arp2600 #newsynthesizer #mb6582

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Leibstein 👽 · @joshliebe
328 followers · 66 posts · Server androiddev.social

@Jyoti : I've always wanted an AN1X for some reason. The closest I've gotten is AN2015 that's part of Yamaha Synth Book on my iPad 😅 Was hyped earlier this year about rumours of a possible AN-X...

: Really impressed with Arturia at the moment, MicroFreak ftw! 👾

I'm sure @synths has some faves?

#vintagesynthesizer #newsynthesizer

Last updated 2 years ago

Jyoti Mishra · @Jyoti
189 followers · 468 posts · Server mas.to

My fave :

Because of the two DCOs, sound quality and wonderful internal sequencer.

My fave :

An absolute mad beast, the mod possibilities make it basically the equivalent of a modular. I get lost in it!

What are yours?

#keyboards #musicproduction #synthesizers #electronicmusic #one #moog #newsynthesizer #jx3p #roland #vintagesynthesizer

Last updated 2 years ago