Hey guys, just to expand on Personal Voice, this is really the first time we're seeing the ability to train voice models on a mobile device. I wonder how it works under the hood, I'll be very curious to try it out even if we can't use it for the voiceover right now. Also worth noting that since iOS 16 Apple has had support for third-party TTS engines on iOS, and there are already a few out there like Espeak and RH Voice. #VoLive
So I was listening to the latest Macessibility podcast from the 4th, total Star Wars and Star Trek fan BTW, and I wanted to hopefully clarify some information about Passkeys if I can.
The reason Passkeys are so complicated is that many websites are doing a lousy job implementing them. Many sites are using third party security platforms to support Passkeys, which I bet Simplysafe is doing, but I think that Passkeys should be very easy to use.
As for password managers and Passkeys, I think they will be useful for storing Passkeys if you don’t want to be tied to a platform. I use iCloud Keychain for my passkeys, so I can sign in to any device as long as I have an Apple device near me, but the support in password managers would allow you to use that password manager to sign in from anywhere whether it is iOS or Android.
I learned much of this from Security+ when passkeys came out. I hope this has helped clear some of that up, and I just started following the #VoLive hashtag as well. I Hope you guys have a great recording tomorrow.
#VoLive hi to the knights of the round table. Just wondering if you know of a fully accessible HTML editor for the Mac or Windows. Thanks. Frankie
The question was asked about uploading Audio as part of a Mastodon post. Just use your Voice memo app to record it, then attach it to the post. #Volive #VoiceMemo