Case #218, a dissertation from the University of Rostock in Law has now been published at
#VroniPlagWiki documents #plagiarism in dissertations
The submitter of the 2007 dissertation is the current Berlin Senator for Mobility, Transportation, Climate and Environment.
The proceedings of the European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2021 in Porto has been published:
My contribution: Talking to a Wall: The Response of German Universities to Documentations of Plagiarism in Doctoral Theses
Unfortunately, it is not open access :(
#vroniplagwiki #plagiarism #academicintegrity
Boosting my Toot from yesterday over here for German readers
"Dem Nichtleser geschieht es nur recht, wenn er betrogen wird: Diese Pointe gewann Peter Sloterdijk 2011 der Plagiatskultur ab. Eine von ihm betreute Dissertation liefert jetzt die perfekte Illustration."
#plagiat #VroniPlagWiki #plagiarism #Germany #AcademicIntegrity
#academicintegrity #Germany #plagiarism #vroniplagwiki #Plagiat