Since I didn't include the hashtag the first time around, let me try doing this #Introduction thread again.
Hi! My name is Ethan. I live in #BrooklynNY. I’m an #English professor at The King’s College, where I teach all kinds of #writing and #literature, from #Shakespeare to Russian novels to Southern lit. Most of my published writing is about #medieval literature, namely from 14th-century England (#Chaucer, the #GawainPoet, #Wyclif, etc.). I also like to write #fiction. 1/4
#fiction #wyclif #gawainpoet #chaucer #medieval #shakespeare #literature #Writing #english #brooklynny #Introduction
John Wyclif's radical theology was partially inspired by Irish bishop #RichardFitzralph 's theory of dominion. (In brief, Fitzralph believed being in a state of sin could undermine your right to possession, eg if you killed someone & took their goods).
#Wyclif (including influence of FitzRalph):
"Richard FitzRalph of Dundalk (c. 1300-1360) and the New World" by
Michael Dunne, on the strange afterlife of FitzRalph's ideas
#richardfitzralph #wyclif #IrishPhilosophyOTD