Query documentation


  • All terms are separated by a blank space
  • The default operators between terms is OR unless prefixed by + (AND) or - (NOT)
  • Parenthesis (()) can be used to group terms together
Operator Description Example
" Used for precise match of multiple words "leaving twitter"
+ A condition prefixed with + is required to match +username:bloodyshell
- A condition prefixed with - must not match +username:bloodyshell -server:mastodon.social
: : is a field delimiter, the name being on the left and the value on the right server:tea.codes
> A field suffixed with :> must be greater to match +account.followers_count:>1024
< A field suffixed with :< must be lower to match +created_at:<2022-06-01
() Used to group terms +(server:infosec.exchange server:mastodon.social) +username:bloodyshell


All the fields from Mastodon are populated, check the Mastodon status documentation for a full list, the following is not exhaustive.

Field Description Example
created_at Time at which the event was indexed created_at:>2020-06-01
server Source server server:mastodon.social
tag Search by hashtag tag:linux
username Username accross servers username:leakix
media_attachments.type Find post attaching medias media_attachments.type:video
account.followers_count Filter by follower count account.followers_count:>50