· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

: CIA’s Permanent Backyard (t📽️)

at the height of its war on Communism, U.S.’s destructive role in Guatemala began with a CIA coup d’état in 1954 to overthrow democratically-elected Jacobo who had stopped exploitative practices of the U.S. multinational"

'Don't forget the were also involved in the genocide of the indigenous people -- much like the 'Murikan Anglo- and the scum Iberian State (IS)

#Cuahutemallan #Árbenz #Zionists #Maya #Nazis #Spanish #christian #terrorists

Last updated 3 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

" chief wears a messenger bag stuffed with Yankee dollars, & he is passing that money to John Peurifoy, who is handing out the cash to the military officers and their goons who overthrew the elected govt of Jacobo by force of arms."

Where Air Force Colonel, Carlos Castillo Armas, stands in 'Gloriosa Victoria', Diego would've painted 's jew[1] Gen. Williams —his 'breast pocket … full of American dollars'
[1] russia-insider.com/en/politics

#CIA #traitorous #Árbenz #Bolivia #Kaliman

Last updated 5 years ago